The 5 Most Common Parasites On Iguanas

It is essential to know which parasites are most common in our pets. So, in this article, we’ll show you a brief summary of those that affect iguanas.
The 5 most common parasites in iguanas

Parasites are organisms that develop a vitally dependent relationship with an individual host and are quite common. That’s why it’s convenient to know those that affect our pets. In this article, we’re going to talk about the five most common parasites on iguanas.

Most common parasites in iguanas: which ones are the most important?

In order of parasite complexity, let’s describe each group from smallest to largest, from protozoa – which are single-celled organisms – to ectoparasites, the most evolved.

flagellated protozoa

Even today there is an intense debate about the harm that these parasites exert on reptiles. Some veterinarians consider that the vast majority of protozoa are part of the beneficial intestinal flora of animals and that they are, therefore, asymptomatic and harmless.

Parasitas mais comuns de iguanas: quais são os mais importantes?

Typically, the decision to treat a protozoan infection is based on the number and variety of species detected in laboratory tests. If their presence in feces is occasional, they are considered part of the iguana’s own bacterial flora. However, when its concentration increases and many different species are identified, the parasitosis must be treated.


Coccidiasin is much less common in iguanas than in other lizards, in which even serious infections can occur. If they do, the symptoms will be digestive.



Flatworm or tapeworm infections  necessarily require an intermediate host and are therefore rarely detected in iguanas. They are much more common in other reptiles such as aquatic snakes and freshwater turtles.



The most common intestinal worms found in iguana droppings are roundworms, strongyloids, hookworms and roundworms.


The biological cycle of each of them is different and therefore, once cured, reinfection is always possible. It is necessary to periodically check the iguana’s health status in search of symptoms compatible with intestinal parasites.


In iguanas, infections by ticks and scabies (mites) are relatively common, as is the case with other reptiles such as snakes.


Most common iguana parasites: treatment


Against protozoa, the use of Metronidazole is recommended in doses ranging from 25 mg/kg to 125-250 mg/kg. Higher doses should be administered only in the most severe cases, as iguanas have shown to develop tolerance to this drug, due to the fact that most of their digestive flora are bacteria of the genus Clostridium .


Your treatment will include sulfonamides, which have proven to be quite effective as dewormers. It will also be necessary to maintain good hydration for the individual until recovery.


Treatment against tapeworms will be with Praziquantel, at doses of 5 to 8 mg/kg orally or subcutaneously.


All intestinal worms mentioned respond to treatment with Fenbendazole, at doses of 25-50 mg/kg, for two to three weeks.


The recommended treatment is ivermectin, although it is quite controversial because it is toxic to other reptiles, such as turtles. Nevertheless, it is used to treat ectoparasites through diluted solutions that are sprayed in the terrarium where the affected animal is located.

Most common iguana parasites: treatment

Other methods, such as the use of acaricides or insecticides, have been shown to be toxic, especially in poorly ventilated terrariums and already stressed animals. Therefore, medical treatment must always be accompanied by hygiene in the terrarium.

After all, iguanas infested with ectoparasites tend to be very debilitated, so much so that they often die during treatment.

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