More Than 100 Dogs Rescued From An Illegal Breeding

More than 100 dogs rescued from an illegal breeding site

Animal abuse is increasing, whether privately or camouflaged in a company. This is the case with the news we will be breaking today. It all happened in a Spanish town where there was an illegal breeding site.

Clandestine businesses are many, as they are intended not to declare taxes, money that these clandestines did not use to take good care of their employees, in this case, the animals.

The conditions of animals in illegal breeding

dog lying down

The many animals that were in this breeding site designed to traffic offspring lived in deplorable conditions. For several years there were 114 dogs and 22 cats locked in cages that left them almost immobile.

Hygiene conditions were precarious and many animals were not well hydrated or well fed.

In the cages, which had no ventilation as well as the place where they were, up to nine animals were kept. As in the place where the animals’ cages were, there was no light from the outside, the walls were full of mold due to humidity and lack of cleaning.

Also, the cages were full of rust and droppings, which made the many animals full of infections and in poor health.

A sad place where many animals had the bad luck to fall. They say that everything comes to light, whether for good or for bad. This hasn’t been hidden either, has it?

And the illegal breeding is evacuated

No matter how hard they try to hide, a place where commercial activities are carried out always generates movement. Thus, the police did not take long to find out about the breeding site due to comments from neighbors that something unusual was happening in that place. From that moment the Sharpei operation began.

An investigation soon began which revealed that the breeding site lacked any type of license for any type of commercial and commercial activity, which would not have been so serious if the animals were not in the circumstances and conditions in which they were found.

However, as soon as the police learned that there were no permits, this left them free to enter the place and discover the plight of the animals.

Most of the dogs that were in the place were of delicate breeds and needed specific care and that, obviously, they weren’t receiving.

Of course, none of the evidence left any doubts about the place and what the authorities had to do with this illegal breeding: close it down.

And that’s exactly what they did immediately, closed the place and made the relevant complaints about the establishment’s managers, who will have to answer and pay in court for their actions.

What happened to the animals in this illegal breeding

More than 100 animals that had been passively, and possibly actively mistreated, were left without a place to be.

Upon learning of the situation, all the protective associations and associations in favor of animals adopted these dogs and cats with the intention of healing the physical and psychological damage caused and to try to find them a home.

Puppies in breeding

These associations had to use social media to ask for resources to help them cover all these costs, as well as making a call to all those who wanted to have a pet. We hope you are lucky.

The tightening of animal ownership and animal abuse laws that have taken place in Spain in recent months will not ease the future of these offenders who have played with the lives of more than 100 animals.

According to Spanish Civil Guard agents who attended the case, “the penalties they will face will be very severe” and, moreover, they will be categorically prohibited from having an animal in their lives or using any for any type of commercial activity.

The actions of the clandestine breeding managers go against what the law determines as continuous animal abuse and with full use of reason for what they were doing. They will not override the law.

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