Awesome Birds: Meet Some

Awesome Birds: Meet Some

Even though birds are not precisely our favorite animal in the world, when we see one, we cannot help but admire the beauty of their plumage, their way of moving or some gestures that astonish us. It’s possible that where you live there aren’t many different species. That’s why we’ll help you meet some amazing birds. What do you think? Come with us!

The awesome birds of the world

Whether birds are our favorite animals or not is irrelevant. You will definitely enjoy this article and will be delighted with the amazing images of these impressive birds.

Wilson’s bird of paradise

This bird has many attractions that attract our attention, such as  its multicolored body. The patches in red, yellow, green, blue and brown harmoniously combine to create a rainbow of unique beauty in the world.

But, without a doubt,  the most impressive thing about this animal is the Salvador Dalí-style mustache-shaped tail. However, this type of tail only males have. In short, an indescribable wonder of nature.

royal bird of paradise

This New Guinea bird is an explosion of colors  and shapes that seem to have been randomly placed. However, the result was a wonder of nature like him. Its chest is white, its back is brown in color, its legs are blue and its wings are gray with green and blue tips. All a show!

The size of the wings is very peculiar, as they are small and rounded,   while the tail is “furry” and two long, narrow protuberances protrude from them. An incredible bird that does not go unnoticed.

Red-necked Hornbill

The red-necked hornbill lives in India and Asia; It’s an endangered species, which is a shame when you look at its beauty. Its a priori appearance is that of a toucan, although the shape of its beak and its colors are different. Its beak, for example, has black vertical lines from the back half that characterize the species. Its double chin is an intense orange, while the head is brown.

As for its body, the predominant color is black, although we see brown color on its paws and white in the middle of its tail. As a main feature, what stands out is a kind of deep blue ring that surrounds your eyes. Can you imagine a more beautiful work of nature?


The wiretail is another colorful bird, one of the most impressive birds in the world. This animal lives in the Amazon and its intense yellow color will make you see it from afar.  Sure, if you’re lucky enough to see one someday. Its head is red and its body is black with a yellow chest, three striking colors that harmonize creating a simply incredible bird.

wiretail bird

Gould’s Diamond

The Gould’s diamond could not be missing from the list of the most impressive birds, due to its extreme beauty and incredible mixture of colors. Red, green, yellow and blue form a perfect combination in this bird’s small body.

He lives in Australia, in savannas and wooded areas, but always very close to water  because it is so necessary for his survival. The scarcity of it has made the species close to extinction due to the alteration of its habitat.

the quetzal

Its colors draw a lot of attention. The shape of the head and the short legs do not go unnoticed. However, the most surprising thing about this exotic bird, which lives in Latin America, is its  huge tail. She can reach up to 70 cm, something disproportionate to her body, which measures no more than 20 cm.

Quetzals are concentrated in various places in Latin America, such  as forests and mountains, where people create routes where you are likely to see a specimen. Don’t miss the opportunity to do so if you are visiting the area.

Nature does not stop teaching us more and more about the beauty of animals. They surprise us and make us appreciate what we have on our planet even more. We will do our best to take care of them.

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