Home Remedies For Dogs With Fleas. Take Note!

Home remedies for dogs with fleas.  Take note!

Fleas are often found on dogs, cats and rabbits. One of the reasons for the overwhelming presence of fleas in a house is that their eggs could have been laid anywhere. These eggs become larvae and finally fleas.

Did you know that flea eggs can remain dormant for over a year? This is because once you eliminate fleas, you will need to frequently clean the environment to eliminate eggs as well.

Below, we share some home remedies to eliminate them and prevent them from appearing.

Home remedies for dogs with fleas

Como eliminar as pulgas dos cachorros

Have you ever imagined a flea trap?  Perhaps yes. The best way to remove them from your dog is to bathe him with shampoo. This flea home remedy option   can be very helpful.

To set up the trap you just need to put some dishwashing detergent in a basin of water. Then place a small candle in the center of the plate, light it and place it in the rooms of your house.

Fleas are attracted to light.  When they jump towards the candle, they will be caught by the high viscosity of the liquid detergent. In this way they will remain there and will die. If your house is heavily infected, you can do this for 3 or 4 nights.

Remember: don’t let your pets and children roam freely when you’re using traps.

Another flea home remedy option is the use of sprays.  This proposal is non-toxic and is produced based on natural products. Add lemon juice and witch hazel. All of this is completely safe for children and pets.

To prepare another natural spray you will need:  4 liters of vinegar, 2 liters of water, half a liter of lemon juice and a spray bottle.  Mix all the ingredients and spray them in your home environments, after vacuuming.

This natural product kills flea larvae and eggs. Everyone can do this every day for a week, depending on how severe the infestation is in their home.

What if you tried salt? This option can also help. Salt is a dehydrating agent for fleas and dries out their bodies. Sprinkle salt on your rug. You should cover the area evenly. Leave for 12 to 48 hours. After this time, vacuum.

Boric acid  can also give good results. This remedy acts as a desiccant or  dehydrating agent that causes severe dehydration. Sprinkle thin layers of boric acid powder on different areas of your home. After two days, vacuum and clean the areas.

Attention: although  boric acid is of low toxicity to humans and pets, it should be used with care  when  children and pets  are around.

Herbal Remedies for Dogs with Fleas

Remédios a base de ervas para cachorro com pulgas

Rosemary can be used to control fleas in several ways : powdered, liquid or oil-based. It also serves to bathe your dog.

Put your pet in a bathtub with some water mixed with this herb and you can get great results. Do not use on cats as they tend to be allergic.

You can get  rosemary oil from health food  stores. Put a few drops on your dog’s neck and repeat for a week.

To make this natural repellent more effective,  you should grind in equal parts rosemary, rue, wormwood, fennel and mint. You can use a coffee or pepper grinder. Grind all ingredients into a fine mixture.

Then put the powder in a bowl and sprinkle it on rugs, under furniture, on boards, on windows, or anywhere else you suspect fleas might be present.

Another natural spray option  is to mix a handful of rosemary sprigs with the juice of 6 lemons and 3 or 4 drops of geranium oil in a quart of water.  Mix ingredients in boiling water.

Put the mixture in a bowl, cover and let it soak overnight. The next day, strain and spray into spaces where there might be flea eggs.

Finally, you can also use  citronella oil. This effectively repels insects such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, flies, among others.

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