How To Prevent Your Cat From Climbing Into Bed

How to prevent your cat from climbing into bed

Although there are many owners who tolerate the presence of their pets in places such as sofas, tables and other furniture, there are other situations, health for example ( allergies ), that can affect convenience; or because you just don’t like their presence in these places and prefer to avoid them. So let’s give some recommendations for your cat not to climb into bed.

Cats tend to be very stubborn and are widely known for doing their own thing, so it can be quite a difficult task to keep your cat from climbing into bed.  However, it is a myth that cats cannot be educated, the fact is that people do not know that cats work better with honey than with gall.

How to prevent the cat from climbing into bed?

Cats cannot understand punishment, so scolding, scaring or hitting him will only increase your pet’s distrust. The best thing to do is be patient and use positive reinforcement.

In theory, the point is simple, what you should do is teach your cat that the bed is not an ideal sleeping space.

However, this is not so simple, starting with the fact that sleeping is the favorite activity of cats and, even more, sleeping in bed, which is a warm, comfortable and padded place.

Our bed is also imbued with our scent, so it will be attractive to the cat, because he will want to make his dominance clear through the pheromones they have spread throughout his body.

Como fazer com que o gato não suba na cama?

To prevent your cat from climbing into bed, stay in his corner, and stop appropriating yours, the best strategy you can use, without him being suspicious, is when you realize he is going to climb, or is already asleep on it, gently lift him up, take him to the place you have assigned him to sleep, for example his bed.

Another way to get him to leave his bed is to make any kind of noise he doesn’t like (but don’t scare him, remember what we said above about punishment) for as long as the cat stays in bed, for example shaking a can with coins would be a good choice.

Something very important to remember with this method is that your cat should not know that you are the one making the sound, because if he does, it will not change his behavior, because he will simply climb into bed when you are not. .

This process will take a long time, so prepare patience and common sense.

Basically, the intention of these strategies is that your cat will not be able to find a quiet space to rest in your bed, because the noise you make will wake him up, and the more constantly you do this, the faster he will learn.

The cat will soon assimilate that your bed is a place where it cannot rest in peace and will decrease the frequency it will try to sleep on it, until finally it will stop altogether.

when he refuses to use his bed

Camas para gatos

On many occasions cats use our furniture to sleep because they don’t like to use their own beds. This phenomenon is very common and can be caused by different factors.

In order to prevent the cat from climbing into bed and her things, we must determine the source of the nuisance for her.

Cats like to sleep in cool places, and when it’s cold, in warm places, so the location of his bed will be an important factor and will determine how often your cat will use it.

You can change it according to the season, in general, cats prefer corners, dark places and without humidity, away from wind currents and direct sunlight.

They also look for padded surfaces. If your cat’s bed is too hard or rough, he won’t like it. If the cat’s bed is comfortable, it’s well located and even then he doesn’t use it, it could be because of the pheromones.

Leave pieces of your clothes on his bed, you will see how he will start using them more often. If you see that he prefers some other place where you don’t mind him using it, move his bed there.

One way to encourage him to continue using his own bed, not yours, is to give him snacks, but remember that you shouldn’t leave them there if he doesn’t eat, as they can be a source of bacteria. Also, you can reward him when you see him making use of the bed.

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