What Is The Human Age Of Your Cat?

How old is your cat?

They say that a dog year corresponds to 7 human years. In this way, we are able to calculate where in the life cycle our dog is. However, we often don’t hear anything about how to know our cat’s human age. Let’s talk about it.

Apparently, the same rule applied with cats, from 1 to 7. However, according to experts, the life expectancy of cats has increased in recent years. That’s why the equivalence is no longer so precise.

How old do cats live?

Answering this and other questions will only serve to satisfy our curiosity. In addition, it will help us to better understand our cat and to be able to meet his needs, in a more precise and concrete way.

According to Cornell University in the US , cats today live longer than those of two decades ago. Normally, those didn’t reach 6 feline years, or what is the same as 42 human years, a relatively short lifespan.

However, the care, feeding and veterinary attention that cats today receive has made this average lifespan increase.

Typically,  a cat becomes old at 12 years of age. But many suffer from age problems between 7 and 12 years old. Therefore, no feline is the same and we cannot say that they all die at the same age.

So much so that the journal Animal Research states that, although the feline life ranged between 16 and 21 years of age, veterinary advances have even allowed it to cross this barrier. An achievement! In fact, they say that some can even reach 30 years of age, that is, far above what would be the equivalent human age.

How to calculate the human age of cats

The increase in life expectancy of cats has resulted in the fact that the application of the rule of one year equivalent to seven human years is no longer as precise as it was years ago. For example, a two-year-old feline might look like a 21-year-old human, rather than a 14-year-old, as it would be under that rule.

So much so that it is believed that every year a cat gains life, it is as if a human fulfills 4. So, the best way to calculate would be to replace the first two years with 21 human years. Therefore, it is necessary to add the count of multiplying how old the cat is minus two times 4.

For example, a ten-year-old cat. We take two years, knowing that it is 21. The remaining 8 years we multiply by 4, which gives 32 (8×4). To this number we add 21. 21+32=53. So we know that a 10-year-old cat is the same as a 53-year-old human.

However, if the numbers are up to you, the Internet offers you different cat age converters to make the task easier.

Do dogs live longer or are cats living longer?

Although many people believe that both pets have more or less similar lifespans; this is not right, and in recent years even less so.

The average age of a dog is around 10-12 years, while, as we have seen, cats can even reach, in exceptional cases, 30 years of age. What are the reasons for these differences? It’s not very clear, but hygiene and, who knows, the more peaceful life of pussies can influence that.

Knowing how old your pet can be and how it relates to human years will help you give it the attention it needs and be able to take care of it in the best way. We know that their lives and ours are different, but age affects everyone, and knowing how to act and when is a necessary and invaluable help.

However, as we said, each animal is unique in the world, so you will have to watch yours to determine what happens and when.

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