Cat’s Nails: What Are They For?

Experts advise opting for periodic clipping over any invasive cat nail practice.
Cat's nails: what are they for?

A cat’s nails are a key element in both the animal’s defense and dexterity when moving and grabbing objects. Therefore, proper maintenance is vital.

Cat nails, unlike those present in other animals,  should be conceived as a tool rather than an area of ​​the body.

However, whether for lack of knowledge or convenience, owners often tend to cut them or even remove them without considering the possible impact this may have on the pet.

Cat’s nails and their functions are essential for them

Cats are wild animals by nature, which generally move through all types of environments and feed on a wide variety of prey.

Despite having adapted to the home environment, cat’s nails are still necessary because of their versatility and usefulness for various daily behaviors, such as climbing, scratching, picking up objects, separating food or defending against possible dangers.

Unlike human nails, cat’s nails are not flat nor are they at the end of the phalanx only with a protective function. They are born on the front of the fingers with a curvature that allows these animals to move on any surface.

In general,  cats have five nails on the forelimbs and four on the hind limbs, although there are so-called polydactyls that may have more.

cat's nails

As a curiosity, it is worth noting that some of the cat’s nails are retractable, so they remain hidden  until the animal feels the need to expose them.

Thus, these accessory nails remain protected while complementing the function of the pads, dampening the impact that the animal exerts against the ground when moving.

When the feline moves, this retraction ability means that its nails don’t touch the ground and don’t wear out. It also allows them to be quieter, which is beneficial for both hunting and fleeing from possible predators.

As with most animals, including humans,  cats’ nails grow throughout their lives and, therefore, need to be worn periodically to avoid excessive growth that ends up becoming unviable.

However, the activity of these animals usually means that the cut of the nails by the owners only needs to be done spaced out. However, as cats get older and their dynamism begins to diminish, cutting should be more frequent.  

Cat Nail Covers

The curved morphology adopted by the cat’s nails is advantageous for tearing  the flesh off the fangs and climbing. However, in the home environment, it can pose a problem and increase the chance of getting caught in rugs or curtains, with consequent injuries.

cat's nails

For this reason, in recent years, brands specializing in pet products have emerged that have placed on the market a kind of cover or cover to seal and protect the nails and, with that, the health of these animals.

Faced with these solutions, experts recommend trying to  avoid all kinds of invasive practices. After all, it is preferable to opt for sofa protectors or avoid tablecloths and rugs that could put the animal at risk.

Furthermore, most agree that  removing all nails is a practice that is not only painful, but can also significantly alter a cat’s personality.

In short

Proper care of the cat’s nails is essential for their daily activity, as they are an essential tool for them to be able to move and eat. Therefore, owners must prioritize the animal’s health  over any harm in relation to their own comfort.

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