Yellow Dog Project: Find Out What It Is

Yellow Dog Project: find out what it is

Have you ever come across an animal that had a yellow ribbon on its collar? Certainly, its owner is a supporter of  the Yellow Dog Project international initiative , or Yellow Dog Project, if we translate it into Portuguese. Here we’ll tell you what it’s about.

Discover what the Yellow Dog Project is

dog walking

The Yellow Dog Project is a non-profit organization that, at an international level, seeks to raise awareness, both dog owners and the general public, to  identify those dogs that, for various reasons, need the rest of passers-by and other animals keep at a distance from them. 

So,  the yellow tape is a way of warning that the dog needs “more space” than usual. In addition, she warns that it is recommended that people and animals do not get too close to him.

Therefore,  avoid the temptation to launch yourself in the direction of a dog to pet him, no matter how cute he is, and to pester him with gestures and words, even if they are affectionate or admiring. And warn the children, both yours and others, not to mess with them either.

It is important that human beings learn not to invade animals’ space without at least first checking if they want this type of contact.   The Yellow Dog Project can be an effective tool to help you avoid these situations.  

The various reasons that can lead a dog to wear a yellow ribbon

When a dog wears a yellow ribbon, it does not necessarily mean that he is an angry dog ​​or has some kind of aggression.  It can also be animals that are nervous, fearful or insecure due to several reasons.

There are many reasons that can lead the dog to use this identification. Like for example:

  • Any health problem;
  • Whether he is in rehabilitation or convalescing;
  • That he has been recently adopted;
  • Who has suffered some kind of abuse;
  • Don’t be too sociable;
  • It is a young animal that is easily emotional;
  • It is an old animal that is tired;
  • Don’t be too fond of children and other animals;
  • It is in a training or socialization stage;
  • Is working ( assistance dog, competition dog , etc.);
  • It’s a bitch in heat.

The Two Sides of the Coin

If you cross a dog’s path with a yellow ribbon on its collar, do the following:

  • Keep your distance;
  • If you are with your pet, avoid trying to get close;
  • Don’t distract him with words or gestures;
  • Give the dog owner enough time to get his pet out of the way.

And if you decide to join the Yellow Dog Project because your dog is in need of more space, consider that:

  • You must be able to control your dog on a public road;
  • It is recommended that you circulate in places where not many people pass by;
  • You’d better wear a  short collar  ;
  • Try to get out of people’s way to prevent your pet from reacting.

Also, remember that not everyone knows what the Yellow Dog Project is all about. Therefore, you should explain to people the reasons why your dog has a yellow ribbon tied to its collar.

Yellow tape is just a code, solve your dog’s conduct problems

dog barking

Anyway,  just because the dog uses the yellow bow, doesn’t mean that its owner doesn’t need to train it properly  or be busy trying to get rid of its fears and insecurities.

So, if this is your case, ask for professional help so that your four-legged friend gets rid of traumas and, certainly, sooner or later, your dog will no longer need the yellow ribbon and will get along very well with other dogs and humans.

And, in the meantime,  help spread the word about this initiative, so that dogs that need to be temporarily identified with a yellow ribbon can move in public spaces peacefully.

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