Dogs Help Their Children Fight Asthma

Dogs Help Your Children Fight Against Asthma

While having a pet in the home creates some discomfort for some people, as they shed fur and cause allergies in some people, pets have also been proven to contribute many health benefits. In a study carried out at the American Society for Microbiology, the link between having a dog at home and decreasing the chances of family members to have asthma, as well as improving it, in cases of those who already have asthma was proven.

A well-known cause of respiratory tract infections in children and infants is called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). For example, in the United States more than half of children contract this virus during the first year of life. The consequence of this virus is the long-term side effect of asthma. It has been proven that having dogs at home can prevent this problem in the future.

Analyzes performed on dogs and asthma in children


To carry out the tests, the researchers worked with three groups of mice: one exposed to the RSV, a group fed powder from the houses of dogs that had the virus, and a control group free of the virus.

The rats exposed to the dust did not show the symptoms of the virus effect, such as inflammation and mucus production, nor gastrointestinal changes.

The consequences of this analysis are clear: the microbes that exist in the dust associated with the house with dogs can colonize the gastrointestinal space and create an immune response and protect the host against the pathogen that causes asthma. These tests are a first step in identifying microbial species that protect against this respiratory pathogen.

With regard to cats, similar results have not been achieved in homes that have one of these felines.

Dog fur is good for your child’s asthma

Contrary to what we are used to thinking, the animal’s fur is not so much to blame for the allergies suffered by members of the household. These problems are more likely to be caused by skin scales, saliva, urine debris and even the feathers of a domestic bird. While fur is not a problem directly, a home can accumulate dust mites, mold and other agents that can cause the allergy.

Relieve Asthma in Your Children

One of the possible solutions to alleviate the symptoms of allergies are air purifiers, as they use filters that eliminate particles that are in the atmosphere, including dandruff from animals. A study on the use of air filters in the bedroom revealed surprising data, as allergens that come from cats and dogs can be surprisingly reduced.

When there are small children at home who suffer from asthma, when thinking about the possibility of having a dog, one imagines very negative effects. However, while it is true that most dogs produce and release certain particles called dandruff, which can be harmful to people with asthma and allergies, there are some breeds of dogs that produce them to a lesser extent, even being beneficial for asthmatic children.

In an analysis of these breeds we can find the Yorkshire Terrier, the Irish Terrier, the American Terrier, the Maltese, the Chihuahua, among others. Although these benefits have been proven, if the child has a highly developed asthma condition, it is best to consult the veterinarian before introducing the animal into the home.

the chihuahua


Popular belief is that these little dogs have the quality of curing asthmatics. Although they may have some benefits, a total cure has not been scientifically proven, although most medical specialists do not rule it out.

On the Internet it is easy to find different websites where asthmatic patients grateful with their chihuahuas share their experiences about this belief, even recommending these dogs as an ideal pet for homes where there are children with asthma, as the benefits will become evident over time. time.

Chihuahuas measure between 15 and 23 centimeters and weigh from one to three kilograms. Among its most outstanding features is the very rounded head, apple-shaped, the ears are pointed and the long tail which usually curls or forms a semicircle, with the tip towards the loin.

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