Prescribing And Responsible Use Of Veterinary Medicines

The prescription and responsible use of veterinary drugs depends on several factors. However, perhaps most important is the responsibility of those who prescribe and those who administer; that is, from the veterinarian and the pet owner.
Prescription and responsible use of veterinary drugs

The prescription and use of veterinary drugs are regulated by a series of legal obligations that govern the actions of professionals when prescribing or using them. However, the responsibility should not lie exclusively with the veterinarian, but also with the owners of the animals, who must follow their guidelines to the letter.

Prescription of veterinary drugs in pets

There is no doubt that the veterinary professional is the main link between the drug and the animal. The success of the treatment and the owner’s satisfaction depend, in large part, on his criteria, experience and good work.

Medicines for dogs

The regulation of the authorization of a medicine for pets usually defines, depending on the characteristics of the medicine:

  • The need for an accurate diagnosis.
  • The risks associated with its administration.
  • The mandatory nature of a veterinary prescription prior to administration. The regulations state that veterinary professionals are the only ones trained to prescribe veterinary drugs.

The pet’s veterinarian must prescribe medications specifically registered for that pet and for that specific treatment. Based on local recommendations, he will prescribe “as little as possible, but as much as necessary”.

This gives us an idea of ​​how bad it is to use more medications than necessary, as well as using less. In fact, it is one of the reasons behind the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, one of the most serious problems today.

Prescription in cascade

Only in exceptional cases where the specific drug does not exist can  an exceptional prescription regimen known as a cascade be used. This method establishes that, in the absence of the ideal authorized medication, the veterinarian can treat the animal based on an established ordered pattern.

Prescription and responsible use of veterinary drugs

As a first alternative, an authorized medicine must be used, even if its authorization is for another species or for another disease of the same species. If this is not possible, the second option would be:

  • Opt for a drug authorized for that species and disease, but in another country.
  • Opt for a drug for human use. It is the least recommended option.

Only in cases where none of the above options are feasible, would the latter alternative be possible. It consists of resorting to a veterinary medicine prepared at the time for the exclusive use of that animal – of course, always by authorized persons.

This alternative is the most important because the veterinarian assumes all responsibility for the choice of treatment, especially if the result of the therapy has negative effects on the animal.

Responsible use of veterinary drugs in pets

To ensure the animals’ safety and treatment success, veterinary drugs should always be used in accordance with the physician’s recommendations. Any deviation from these recommendations may involve entering uncharted territory and therefore lead to undesirable consequences.

Although all medications should be used in this way, it is worth emphasizing the case of antimicrobials, whose correct use protects their future effectiveness. Thus, we contribute not only to animal health, but also to public health.

beagle taking medicine

Rational use of veterinary drugs

Prevention of diseases

It allows to reduce as much as possible the incidence of pathologies and, therefore, their treatment and the possible associated repercussions. Elements such as stress reduction, responsible nutrition, use of vaccines and antiparasitic drugs can reduce the incidence and severity of diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

eye drops for dogs

Performing laboratory tests always helps to reduce the likelihood of misdiagnosis and bring us closer to the causative agent so that we can effectively address the problem.

However, the time available to the vet is limited. On many occasions, the owner’s financial resources are too. Therefore, the treatment must be very reliable.

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