Tips For Finding A Lost Dog: Meet 5 Here

After the successful implementation of the microchip with the mascot data, now it’s the turn of the applications. They make it easy to find the dog with the collaboration of other users.
Tips for finding a lost dog: meet 5 here

Losing a pet is one of the worst feelings you can feel in life. It is an unfortunate fact that many people have experienced this. Finding your pet before was a complicated task.

The good thing about living in the 21st century is the ease with which everyday situations can be resolved. Below, we present the best apps to find a lost dog.

Despair of losing your pet

For a long time,  dogs used to get lost while walking or running away from homes for different reasons.  This meant a big problem for the population. After all, there was no easy way to find a lost dog quickly  and conveniently.

This continued until the  first advance to locate lost animals: a bell  or rattle. This object placed on the collar emitted a sound that guided the possible direction in which the animal was.

5 tips to find lost dog

While the development of this idea was a step forward on this issue,  it was not fully effective. The problem was that the sound was lost over great distances.  Furthermore, the dog, being able to run faster than the man, tends to travel a great distance.

Technological advancements

From the 80’s, with the arrival of better technologies and advances in medicine,  the microchip technology was successfully tested.  Soon, they started being implanted in pets.

The purpose of the microchip  was to transmit the pet’s legal data. In addition, it also records the medical history,  to avoid any accidents at the vet in case of rescue.

At the same time,  the possibility of incorporating GPS tracking technology to find a lost dog faster was being tested. It was possible to incorporate the technology, but the apparatus was too delicate and fragile. This made it impractical for the tasks a dog does during the day.

Lost dog: what to do?

Furthermore,  the cost of applying the first microchips was quite high compared to the common boards that are still used today, attached to the collar. Over time, the technology has improved and become less expensive for owners of all economic strata.

The smartphone generation 

Thanks to the development of technology over the last 10 years,  the creation of objects and  gadgets has  advanced with incredible speed.  Our phones now have more power than the Apollo spacecraft’s onboard computer.

We have great data processing and storage power at our fingertips. That’s why there are apps (or  apps ) that can perform different tasks.

Most of these apps are used as social networks.  That is, a group of users constantly sharing information. In these networks,  animal information is placed next to a picture of the dog to speed up the dissemination of information.

What to do if my dog ​​is lost?

Some  even use the same GPS technology to track the last place the dogs were seen. Other applications use the same facial recognition technology to identify animals that roam the area.

Apps to find a lost dog

Without a doubt,  we are living in an era where information is transmitted quickly and almost instantaneously. We have several options for finding our pet. That’s why we bring you some suggestions for finding your dog if he’s lost.


It is a very popular app that  lets you know the traffic situation while driving around the city with a car. It sounds a little strange, but this app  has the option to find “lost dog”  in one of its tabs.

Users  can find pets anywhere, take pictures and upload them to the social network to help the owner and pet find each other. The scope of this search spans about six kilometers, not bad for a start.

I am lost

It is an application dedicated to the Spanish public, in which  the user can upload a photo of their pet to the app’s social network  . The reason for their creation is because 75% of the animals in the city don’t have an ID chip. As such, this is a great help for dogs to be found effectively.

Looking for Huellas

It is an application of Argentine origin that  uses the Google Maps database to locate lost pets. Using personal contact details and Facebook registration, the  app  can filter posts between 1 and 100 kilometers around.


It is an application that, like the previous one,  uses data from Google Maps. Here, you can upload a photo of the animal and payments can be offered as a reward  through a service called MangoPay.

PiP Pet Recognition Application

It is a powerful application that  uses the latest technology in facial recognition. To do this,  use the photos you took of your pet and review them  to compare them with those that were uploaded to the database.

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