A Bitch Buried Her Cubs Alive To Save Them.

A bitch buried her cubs alive to save them.

Over time there are thousands of stories of heroic animals that save both known and unknown from major catastrophes. These dogs are characterized by great courage and great intelligence.

In recent weeks, new news of a dog hero has traveled the world. In Chile, a bitch saved her puppies from dying in a forest fire that affected the Valparaíso area. Audacity, courage and courage allowed this female to save her life and that of her offspring. Next, let’s know the story of this bitch.

The story of the bitch and her puppies

dogs eating

According to different communication media , a few weeks ago, in Valparaiso (Chile), a female and nine of her offspring were trapped in a forest fire.

The female, intelligent and heroic , buried her cubs to protect them from the flames and then fled to a higher place, avoiding contact with the flames. The ten dogs were found alive and rescued by an association that protects the animals.

When firefighters were fighting the flames, local residents reported that they saw the dog with several puppies and possibly the mother had buried the puppies to protect them from the fire.

Rescuers explored the area to look for the dogs and soon they found a hole that had been made near a large metal storage shed. Inside, they found nine puppies safe and sound awaiting rescue.

Immediately, firefighters began to rescue the puppies and transport them to a safer place. Rescuers also looked for the mother and found her inside a burning house not far from her cubs.

The heroic mother was named Pretinha, and she and her cubs are now under the tutelage of an association that protects animals. Local residents have made donations to the dog family and many area residents have expressed an interest in adopting the puppies as well as the mother.

other heroic dogs

cocker spaniel

But Pretinha’s story is not unique, and many dogs have left anonymity due to their great exploits. Below, we report briefly what happened to some dogs and we will list their names, which are also part of the news .

Honey became famous because in 2006 saved its owner from a violent car accident . With all her strength, the owner, who had been trapped in her car, managed to free the dog in the hope that she could find help.

Of course, the English cocker spaniel then, 5 months old, it caught the attention of a man who was a kilometer away and took him to the place where the accident happened.

Napoleon: If you think cats and dogs are enemies, that’s not always the case. Napoleón, an English Bulldog, challenged his near-zero swimming skills present in his breed, to swim in deep water and rescue a bloodline bag that had six stray kittens.

hero : It’s a truly moving story. An elderly female dog helped an elderly man with a physical disability. had gotten stuck with his wheelchair in the middle of a field of uneven terrain.

Eve: it’s a bitch rottweiler that saved its owner from the explosion of her car. The female managed to remove her owner by pulling her ankles and thus saving her from the unexpected fire of her car.

Ginny: it is popularly known for saving hundreds of cats that get trapped among the rubble after accidents and earthquakes.

Shelby: is another famous dog. Became the big hero of the year because saved a family from carbon monoxide poisoning . The dog, with a keen sense of smell, was the first to detect, to notice the smell when the rest of the family was still asleep. His barks, scratches and moans drew the attention of the family who woke up scared and could go outside the house.

Rocky: is a police dog that chased a thief and managed to catch him.

Blue: he challenged an alligator and, with his brave gesture, helped its owner to save himself from the attack of this wild animal.

Patty: it prevented its owner from drowning when the two were on a duck-hunting excursion. The dog and the owner were in a boat, suddenly the boat capsized in the cold waters of the North Atlantic and your dog prevented its owner from drowning. 

Patty started to swim and her owner grabbed her tail. The dog swam vigorously against the mighty current. Finally they arrived at the seashore, where they were rescued by lifeguards.

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