A Precious Friendship Between Hoshi, A Blind Dog And His Zen Guide Dog

A precious friendship between Hoshi, a blind dog and his Zen guide dog

The friendship between them is reaching such an extreme that they are called “nail and flesh”. It is a demonstration that love and affection do not depend on races or species, humans or animals. Discover the story of Hoshi, a blind dog, and his Zen guide dog.

Hoshi found a dog like him, but which has the function of a guide dog and has accompanied him everywhere since he went blind. They’ve come to the conclusion that they make an excellent team and there’s nothing they can’t beat. Seeing them together, for those who are able to do this, is a beautiful sight.

A precious friendship story between a blind dog and his guide dog

This precious friendship story was born through the overcoming of a tragedy. Well, 11-year-old Hoshi, an American Eskimo breed, suffered a glaucoma that could have put his life at risk. To save him, the veterinarians had to remove his eyeballs, and left him totally blind.

His owner, Pauline Perez, adopted a few months later a Pomeranian dog, which was abandoned on the streets of Washington.

The owner of Hoshi already knew about her dog’s vision problems. Therefore, she thought about bringing this dog to her house so that he could accompany Hoshi in this change and so that he would not get depressed afterwards. The guide dog operation began.

In the process of Hoshi’s vision loss, Zen was in charge of guiding him inside the house, until he became his official guide dog. But it was anything but simple. For the first few weeks after the operation, Zen wore a breastplate that joined him to his partner, something that didn’t work.

Seeing that the use of the breastplate did not work, the owners of both dogs came to the conclusion that the two animals would have to walk together, but without physical union between them.

The result cannot be more successful. Zen has been transforming itself into a kind of guide dog or guide for the blind for his companion, a task he performs with complete naturalness. Both animals are walking companions. Currently, whether they are joined by a belt or not, both go together.

Many followers in the guide dog and blind dog networks

This beautiful story is a true example of friendship and overcoming difficulties. Many media have already released it. Both dogs are stars on social media. On Instagram alone, the guide dog story has nearly thirty thousand followers.

Treatment for a blind dog

The key idea is that everything stays in order. There should be no objects in the middle and no moving of furniture. The dog or any other animal that cannot see, must remain safe and confident at all times, identifying through its sense of smell and physical touch the places it travels through.

It also works perfectly to call the animal always with some very characteristic blows or whistles. When you hear the sound and head towards us, we will have to reward you with a prize.

It is important to encourage play with a blind animal through toys that have sound. As he cannot see, hearing is the authentic reference for our friend, in addition to his potent sense of smell.

the time of the tour

guide dog

Source: muy.clarin.com

Walking is important for a blind dog. Of course, we will always have it tied to the strap and under our control during the ride. They won’t find their way out of the house in any way, unless you repeat the same route over and over again, and it’s full of smells he can recognize. Still, it’s very complex.

It works great to always take you through the same area, spaces, parks, etc. when it comes to your needs. We know that dogs like a different visual environment (the same happens with humans), but in the case of a sightless dog, it’s totally different. New places and different smells will make our friend feel confused and lost.

Images source: muy.clarin.com

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