Advice To Make Life With Your Dog Happier

Advice to make life with your dog happier

There are many ways to make our pet happy. Having a healthy dog ​​not only means that he is in good health, but that he is also doing well in other matters. Among the most important variations that affect our dog’s happiness are: care for their health, hygiene and proper education. Therefore, we will give you some advice so that living with your dog is  happier.

The health of the pet is a fundamental issue  and consists of proper nutrition, consultations with a veterinarian, vaccinations and regular and constant physical activity. All of this will definitely make your dog’s life happier.

The feeding

dog biscuit

Dogs must eat dog food. We often ask ourselves whether it is preferable for dogs to eat homemade food or whether they can eat leftover food from the house, as has been traditionally done. The answer is always the same: the  feed  dog is a complete food, developed specifically according to the peculiarities of the dogs, their race, their age and their physical activity. Furthermore, it serves to develop a more balanced and complete diet.

Feeding dog food, as long as it is using the type of food that best suits our animal, will be the best food we can give to our pet. You need to keep in mind the recommendations given by a particular brand of product or ask your veterinarian for help explaining the amount of feed the animal should eat and possible nutritional supplements.

A good relationship with your dog depends on hygiene

In terms of hygiene, it  does not only mean keeping the dog clean, but also taking care of its skin, paws, mouth and breath.  Other than that, it needs to have an adequate space to do your needs without getting dirty and easily accessible so that we can carry out the proper cleaning and collection.

physical activity

In many cases, dog owners take their pets for a walk just so they can take care of their needs. This is a mistake that harms your dog’s life. The walk should be an important part of the relationship between the owner and his pet, on a daily basis, an everyday thing. The dog must feel free, satisfied, and the walk, in addition to serving for him to urinate and defecate, needs to be done so that he can perform a physical activity. During exercise, he can run freely, jump, play with other dogs, play with his owner, etc.

the rewards

One of the things that makes our pets happiest is satisfying us, their owners. Rewards are the result of a good deed. It can be given in many ways, with those treats that we know our friend loves, through a very affectionate compliment or a pat on the dog’s back. All of them are the best rewards.

Explore new territories

One thing that makes our dogs feel happier is exploring new places. It’s just not always going through the same places and not following the same path to walk every day. It’s important to explore new corners and smells. You must keep in mind that it is not only due to the importance of the visual aspect, which will delight our dog, as he will be seeing parks he has never visited, but also due to the sense of smell, which is the dog’s most powerful sense. and that we must empower the animal to make good use of it.


It is very important that our dog plays and interacts with other dogs. These are the moments that your pet will enjoy a lot: sniffing other dogs’ butts, running with them, playing and having fun, in other words, socializing. If you see that your dog is a bit lonely, there will always be some techniques to get him to socialize. You should take him to see a canine specialist.



Dogs go crazy when they play with their owner. They don’t have to be expensive toys. A handcrafted ball or doll will serve as objects to play with, and they will allow them to spend hours happily entertaining, releasing their energy, as well as being more peaceful and relaxed.

However, it  is important that you keep out of reach any object that might be dangerous to him  or that might interfere with his antics, such as hanging cables, cleaning products that are placed within the animal’s reach, tableware. kitchen or sharp items, medicines, DIY tools and many other things, especially if the animal is still small and has a very strong curiosity to know everything around him in the house and likes to bite.

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