Are You Familiar With Dog Gyms?

Do you know dog gyms?

Fortunately, in recent years, people have become aware of the care required by pets. That’s why dog ​​beauty salons, specialty stores, hotels, spas, and many other establishments dedicated solely and exclusively to our four-legged friends have emerged. Today, we are going to talk about another novelty: dog gyms. Get ready, because you haven’t seen it all. 

We know that all animals need to exercise, but sometimes, due to the daily routine we have, fatigue or lack of time, we cannot give him the amount of time he needs. However, exercise is important and vital to your present and future health. So a genius had the brilliant idea to invent dog gyms.

The Importance of Exercise to Our Pets


Contrary to what many people think, small dogs do need to exercise. All dogs need exercise, and sometimes smaller ones need even more.

Let’s look at the example of the Chihuahua breed. This dog is one of the smallest that exist, however, its body and head are large in relation to its paws and, therefore, its bones suffer. As time goes on, they can get weakened.

With the rest of the dogs the same thing happens. And let’s not kid ourselves, because taking our pet three times a day to pee and poop will not help him exercise. This only serves him to fulfill his physiological needs, not his physical ones.

Exercise helps the pet to:

  • strengthen the bones
  • avoid overweight
  • prevent heart disease
  • be more active
  • Improve your mood
  • be happier
  • Improve your digestive tract
  • Make your mind more active
  • Eliminate adrenaline
  • expel stress
  • Have a higher level of endocrine glands

    And these are just a few examples, as the exercise practiced by pets has a multitude of benefits. Let’s see below what these dog gyms consist of.

    Academy for dogs. What do you need to know

    There are many pets that live in apartments that don’t even have a place where they can run and exercise. In addition, there are also some large dogs that need an extra dose of exercise. Maybe that’s what went through the minds of those who had the idea of ​​creating the first academy for dogs.

    In addition to allowing the practice of exercise, these places offer a great chance of socializing for your pet, since in the gyms for dogs they can be with other similar ones.

    Dog academies are spatially prepared for pets to practice the exercise they need, but also to improve their mental, instinctual and sensory capacities.

    Their trainers are perfectly trained and will be able to set up a personalized exercise table, based on the dog’s size, breed and abilities.

    In addition, in dog academies, your pet will learn to obey, as it will be submitted to the orders of the trainers.  Everyone wins!

    What exercises can my pet do in a dog gym


    While it may be a little funny to hear this, these are the subjects offered:

    • Karate
    • Pilates
    • Swimming
    • Yoga (not the first time we’ve seen a dog practicing yoga)
    • jump fences
    • Ramps and Staircases
    • intelligence games
    • Self-confidence exercises

    As you can see, dog gyms offer much more than good physical development through exercise. Trainers strive first to teach the dog to obey and be calm so that they can carry on with the exercise sessions.

    In addition,  they help the shy to develop their confidence, and they help the more restless feel more relaxed and allow themselves to be scrutinized by experts. 

    The exercise starts right away. There will come a time when the dog will arrive at the academy for dogs and will already know what he has to do. Is that you? Would you like to take your pet to a dog gym?

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