Barking: 4 Tips For Your Neighbors Not To Hate Your Dog

Barking: 4 tips for your neighbors not to hate your dog

If you want your neighbors not to hate your dog, make sure he doesn’t bark too much, especially when he’s alone at home. The constant barking of dogs can be a reason for conflict : complaints are made, fines are charged and, in some cases, it is even customary to resort to lawyers.

So as not to get into any of these cases, we’ll give you some advice to avoid your furry friend’s persistent barking.

Yes, dogs bark!

beagle barking

A dog barking is the most normal thing in the world. The strange thing would be that he didn’t.

But if you have a grumpy neighbor who even complains about the flight of a fly, the truth is that listening to a dog bark, moan and howl for hours is no fun at all.

Chances are, your pet doesn’t have this behavior when he’s with the rest of the family. In general, this problem occurs, or worsens, when the animal is left alone and may be due – among other causes – to fear, boredom, stress or separation anxiety.

What to do so that your neighbors don’t hate your dog

It is very important that your pet is socialized and educated to prevent it from developing behaviors that could change the relationship with the family group and with other people and animals, for that, consider the following advice:

  • Walk and play with your dog for a long time before going to work. The idea is that he gets tired enough so that when he’s alone at home, he’s more relaxed and prefers to sleep rather than bark. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you also exercise and still save gym money.
  • Leave some toys for him to distract himself. Among them, you should include one that can be stuffed with food, so he stays busy for a long time trying to get his food.
  • Keep it away from places in the house near the street. That way you’ll avoid him getting scared and stressed by some noises, or that he gets altered seeing passing vehicles, people, cats, dogs…
    • If your pet suffers from separation anxiety, the main reason he will bark and cry is his absence, so ask a professional for help to try to reverse this situation.

    Some Data on Separation Anxiety

    dogs barking

    Separation anxiety is not just limited to the time a dog spends crying and barking when the owners are not present. These dogs also cause damage to different objects in the house, urinate and defecate anywhere.

    To be able to correct this problem, in some cases, animals must be medicated. But the important thing is to try to change attitudes so that the dog understands that he can spend time away from his owner without anything bad happening, and that the owner will always come back.

    For starters, avoid excessive displays of affection with your pet before leaving and also when returning home. This habit has negative effects on the dog, as the more effusive you are in your displays of affection, the more he will miss you and the more he will bark.

    In search of a good relationship

    Keep in mind that, when  faced with complaints about excessive barking, the ideal is that you try to civilly resolve the conflict with your neighbors and avoid confrontation. Then:

    • Don’t be incredulous about complaints about your pet’s barking. Just because your dog isn’t a “compulsive barker” when you’re at home doesn’t mean he isn’t when he’s alone.
    • Consult with other neighbors to confirm that your dog does indeed perform an annoying barking concert when you go to work.
    • To make sure exactly what happens in your absence, you can record your dog. That way you’ll be able to focus better on solving the problem.
      • As you try to correct your furry friend’s behavior, go back to checking with neighbors and recording your pet to see if there is progress.

      In addition to controlling your excessive barking, remember to collect your feces on the street and keep your yard or garden clean in case your furry one needs it.

      It is a form of good coexistence that never hurts to exercise and that will help your neighbors not hate your dog .

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