Bobtail, A Curious Breed Of Dog

Bobtail, a curious breed of dogs

You might be surprised by the name of this breed, but it certainly The he quickly recognized when he saw the photo. Who hasn’t seen one of those adorable, furry gray and white friends? Perhaps they are not very common in our country, so we must ask ourselves: where do they come from?


Author: Томасина

The first name given to this breed was “Old English Sheepdog” , which means “Old English Shepherd Dog”, later replaced by “Bobtail”, or “Short Tail”.

Its current name, Bobtail, is the result of a common characteristic among their dogs, the short tail. And its old name refers, without a doubt, to its place of origin, England.

The absence of the tail in dogs is attributed to the fact that they began to be clipped so that cattle predators would not pull it out in an escape. O Bobtail was used as a sheepdog and guard of cattle. , although there is no evidence of this fact or of the existence of the race before the 18th century.

Bobtail seems to be the result of a mixture between the breeds. Ovcharka, Border Collie and Poodle, thus generating one of the cutest and cutest races that exist.

The first Bobtail was presented at an exhibition in 1887 and, seven years later, it was recognized by the Kennel Club and founded the first club of the breed. Let’s get to know a little more about this animal.


The Bobtail is muscular, robust and intelligent. . It has great energy and, if we look at it from above, its body has the shape of a pear. When walking, it moves in an original and unique way, making it an authentic dog.

s your head is bulky and square . Its muzzle measures half the total length of the head. Its muzzle is big and black, with big nostrils.

In relation to your eyes, are usually dark or gray, although you can find specimens with blue eyes . Too light eyes would be a defect in Bobtail. Its body is small and chubby, not being a very athletic dog.

The only feature of this animal that will be a little tricky to care for is its fur. He is long, dense and somewhat thick and wavy. It can tie knots if it is not regularly combed. , being necessary to trim the coat… making your animal lose its exotic beauty.

THE g now let’s go to one of the characteristics that interests us most: personality.


Like other dog breeds, the Bobtail is affectionate and sociable . But if there is something what Characterizes the Bobtail, and all who have had one will agree, is its adaptive power. We’ve talked in this blog on different occasions that any dog ​​lives and dies for and for its owner, but Bobtail goes even further.

He integrates very well into family activities and is able to give each family member what they need. Something that he himself will deduce by observing each inhabitant of his new home. In this way, you will be the best playmate for the children, but also the best nanny when you need to protect them with your life. It will be your walking or exercise companion when I need or me faithful blanket  for the feet when you want to relax .

It will be an excellent family dog ​​when needed and the best guardian when ordered. Your biggest goal O of life is to make those around you happy, obeying orders without fail, whether family members are present or not. Your faithfulness and obedience only There are features that will accompany you always, even when alone .

It is an extremely observant dog, so much so that it is not common to have animals of this breed that need additional training. He’s the kind of dog that watches. oh and absorb . If you see any family member sad or angry, you won’t stop until they smile . will “force it ” playing with him or laughing with anything but accepting to see a frown.

Doesn’t it seem like a special animal to you? No doubt it would be nice to have an animal with such “human” qualities as a companion in our home. If you’re thinking about having a dog that doesn’t ask for too much and gives you more than you ask for, don’t hesitate, choose a Bobtail. You will not regret!

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