Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Is eating eggs good for cats? Like all foods, eggs can have pros and cons.
Can cats eat eggs?

More and more people are including natural foods in their cats’ diet, but can cats eat eggs regularly? We will see what are the benefits of this food for our pet and if there are any possible disadvantages.

First,  we must know that cats are strictly carnivores, not omnivores like us. Therefore, it is not advisable to offer leftovers that do not fit into the meat group. That said, eggs are a very common source of nutrients for wild cats and that’s why house cats love them too.

Is eating eggs good for cats?

Eggs are a prime source of protein, especially white. It has very little sugar and saturated fat, so it will not promote weight gain for the animal.

Moderate consumption of this food is very healthy for any feline and will not increase your cholesterol levels, contrary to what has been said many times in relation to eggs. As with almost all foods, excessive consumption has negative effects, but two or three eggs a week will only bring positive changes to your cat’s diet.

cats can eat eggs

Also,  eating eggs is a pleasure for cats. They will thank you for the protein content, seeing this food as a treat to get them out of the monotony of the daily ration, something that every animal appreciates.

What nutrients do eggs provide to cats?

As already mentioned, the amount of essential amino acids contained in eggs is very good for the animal’s muscular health, but this food also provides many other necessary nutrients.

Among the most important are calcium, essential in any diet to strengthen bones, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, mineral salts and iron, in addition to a multitude of vitamins such as A, B12, D, E and K. With this composition, your pet will have a better physical performance. This aspect will be very beneficial in the case of specimens that lack vitality and look tired.

In addition, the animal’s immune system will be strengthened and it will be less likely to contract disease. As a result, your mood will improve as any medical condition radically changes your mood.

cats can eat eggs

On the other hand,  the egg is not a complete food for the cat. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it to replace your usual special ration, as this ensures that the animal does not lack any of the necessary nutrient groups.

It is best to give the cat an egg and reduce the amount of feed that day a little. Otherwise, there would be a greater amount of daily calories, and this could be a problem for the animal, especially for neutered ones, more susceptible to obesity.

Another of the most frequent questions is whether eggs should be offered raw or boiled. The answer is not 100% clear, as, in principle, neither option is bad for the animal. However, cooking food will always have an advantage: eliminating bacteria such as  E. Coli  or  Salmonella .

To finish…

Certainly,  before including this food in the cat’s diet, it is advisable to start with a small portion to rule out possible allergies. If you do a little test and everything goes well, go ahead. Regarding the digestive system, there is nothing to worry about, as eggs are one of the easiest foods to digest and are suitable even for sensitive animals.

In conclusion, the answer to the title of this article is in the affirmative, however there should be moderation, as  with any food given to your pet besides the kibble. Eggs will have many benefits and are a relatively inexpensive resource that your cats will thank you for in the way only they know how: by purring loudly.

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