Circus Jaguar Is Released After 10 Years Of Imprisonment

Circus jaguar is released after being imprisoned for 10 years

We know that animals living in captivity for spectacle purposes are one of the causes that most harm wild animals. Millions of animals are captured each year from their natural habitats and end up being confined in cages, suffering different types of abuse, all in the name of entertainment. But sometimes there is a little hope for these animals.

Today we will tell the case of a circus jaguar who was released after living 10 years trapped in a truck.  This is a very sad story, but it is also an example that things can change for hundreds of animals that are in captivity.

When political power and the participation of hundreds of foundations that denounce the mistreatment of animals take charge of inspecting and protecting these animals, many species are rescued and taken to a safe place.


The account of this story took place in Peru, a country known for the great variety of wild fauna, especially for having, in its territory, a part of the Amazon forest. However, illegal trafficking in exotic species is also common .

The origins of Mufasa, the jaguar that was released after 10 years of imprisonment, are not fully known. It is only known that the animal arrived at the circus as a puppy. The purpose of acquiring a wild animal was none other than linking it with the attraction of a traveling circus.

The owner did not have the minimum care necessary for an animal of this type and size, which is why the jaguar was trapped by a collar in the back of a truck during the entire period it was in captivity.

However, after much struggle and political pressure, the people were heard, not only in the case of Mufasa, but in front of millions of animals that shared the same fate.

In 2011, an animal protection law was signed that prohibits the ownership of this type of animal for entertainment purposes.  Animal Defenders International (ADI) managed to pass the law prohibiting the use of wild animals in the Peruvian Congress. The law was enacted by Peruvian President Alan García.


Although the law was signed four years ago, Mufasa had not been released until April this year and was together with a condor named Condorito , who was also part of another circus show in Peru.

Mufasa and Condorito were rescued by ADI  through the “Spirit of Liberty” campaign  and managed to get out of captivity, with the relevant procedure so that they could be taken to a nature reserve.

At the time of the rescue,  the truck was dirty, full of materials such as iron, screws and splinters, which could affect the animal’s health. However, the jaguar was calm and, despite having a low weight, probably the worst injuries were the emotional ones.

Although the representatives of the rescue had the legal support , the confrontation did not wait, the circus owner tried to prevent the animal’s removal.  The rescue was prolonged for a few hours until the Public Ministry appeared along with the police to accompany the removal and ensure the rescue of the animal.

However, this did not put an end to the problem, it only ended when a spokesman for the Peruvian Public Ministry announced to the owner of the circus that if he resisted, he would be arrested, in addition to having to face several fines.

Despite this, and the existence of the law, the circus was left with a monkey, although the ADI has been trying to carry out procedures to obtain the quick release of the animal.

ADI has removed many wild animals found in captivity in circuses in Peru . A census carried out last year by the country’s government facilitated the procedures.

Currently, Mufasa is on a reserve in the recovery period and, from now on, must have a future in a protected area for hunters so that he can live in semi-freedom, as  the difficult and long years of captivity prevent it from being returned to a totally wild environment without any accompaniment.

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