Crow As A Pet: Complete Madness?

Perhaps their large size and need for space to fly are the biggest obstacles to having them at home, but if they are domesticated from an early age, they become very kind animals.
Crow as a pet: complete madness?

For some, an animal linked to the devil. For others, a simple bird. But there are also those who adopt crows as their best friends. What is certain is that the crow as a pet or companion is nothing new: it dates back many centuries.

But how to keep such a bird? The answer may be simpler than you think. In fact, their needs are as basic as any parrot or cockatoo in the world.

a peculiar animal

Crows are migratory animals of a scavenger nature. That is, they feed on prey or the remains of other animals. In addition, they are omnivorous birds, therefore they also ingest plants or other foods without major problems.

A very important detail is that crows are very territorial animals. They do not tolerate the presence of other animals of any kind or that do not belong to their flock. The moment they detect the presence of someone outside their family, they begin to attack and hurt him.

When they are free,  their main diet consists of eggs of birds smaller than themselves and seeds of any kind. As these foods are not available every day, crows have a great ability to hunt small animals.

In addition, they are very sociable animals and have a higher IQ than many species. Their intelligence is such that they  can recognize human faces with little effort. Therefore, many people consider them ideal friends, knowing how to treat and respect them correctly.

crow as a pet

Is it hard to have a crow as a pet?

If you try to tame a raven that has once been free,  the animal will most likely recognize you and allow you to approach. But that doesn’t mean you were successful. The bird will only tolerate your presence and will approach you because it sees you as a source of food.

However,  if we raise our crow from a puppy, the result will be very different. As we know, animals that recognize us from an early age  nurture a fondness for us. Which means that they will place all their trust in us.

Thanks to its ability to recognize human faces,  the animal will have no problem recognizing its family members. Mainly those who feed him daily.

Unlike other poultry, the pet crow  should not be caged for too long. The animal’s wings often break easily if not used regularly. If a cage is essential, the best ones are square and with enough space for the animal to exercise.

One detail: crows  are able to open their own cages and go out on their own. That means it’s not an animal for small places. It can reach up to 70 centimeters in height in its largest species, with a wingspan of up to 1.5 meters.

Advantages of the crow as a pet

If you have managed to raise a crow as a pet, you will have many advantages over other birds. Crows are hunting animals, helping to keep the house free of insects.

A very particular characteristic of crows is that they  repeat more words than parrots. They have a great ability to learn human words and even associate the meanings of some of them in certain cases.

crow as a pet

A very common thought is that these animals are skittish and violent: true, but only when they are wild. Domesticated crows  are just the opposite: they  are very affectionate and affectionate with family members. Some specimens are more playful than others, but this is not usually so common.

Feeding a crow is not complicated. They can eat both animals and different grains. There are several examples that show how these animals can behave if they are bred with care.

Negative aspects

So much affection is not free. Crows are very jealous, as incredible as it sounds. Domesticated animals, similar to wild ones, do not tolerate other animals in their environment, as they are territorial. If you have one or more pets, think about it before raising a crow.

Crows  become very curious animals, thanks to their intelligence. And it looks like one of several myths about them is true. They love shiny objects, making it common for them to grab and hide what doesn’t belong to them.

Despite this, we are sure that you will be prepared to have a crow as a pet. If you have patience and a lot of good will, this bird can become a friend for life.

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