Curious Platypus Habits

It is an animal whose morphology is hybrid between a bird and a rodent, but it is a mammal – because it suckles its young – and oviparous – because it lays eggs. You are usually disoriented because your eyes can only see sideways and up.
Curious habits of the platypus

Do you know the platypus? This animal aroused the passions of many and the rejection of others. You could say it’s one of those animals you like or can’t even see.

He seems to us very funny  and special; and for that reason we wanted you to get to know him a little deeper. Would you like to learn about the platypus’ habits and learn more about this animal?

The platypus, a very special animal

Before getting into the subject, we want to talk a little about the physical characteristics of this animal. When it was discovered a few decades ago, we were all surprised:  some for good, some for bad, but no one was indifferent to its presence.

It’s not for less; because  the platypus looks like a strange puzzle, but in nature it fits somehow… different, isn’t it?



What we also know is that this little animal  became so special that even cartoons and comics were made with a platypus character. Now, it is true that many know what they look like, but what about their behavior? What are the platypus’ habits? Today we will reveal all your secrets. Don’t miss it!

Get to know the platypus’ habits

One of the most peculiar things about this animal is that,  although it is terrestrial, it can also spend some time in water. And lay eggs! So although it looks like a mammal because of its squirrel body and beaver tail, it can be said to be an “amphibian mammal.”

Despite this, the  milk comes out of its teats and it is with it that this animal feeds its young,  when they break the egg. It seems that everything that involves this animal is at least different. Let’s look at some of your habits.

your personal hygiene

The platypus does not need to be bathed,  it washes itself, something it does with care and which we could say is an obsession. Every time he comes out of the water, he starts combing his back with his claws, which can be done thanks to a joint in his hips, as well as his incredible flexibility. Not content with just one hairstyle, he can spend minutes doing the same operation.


is lost all the time

When a platypus goes too far in the water, it gets lost, as its vision is not 180 degrees like ours, but can only  see its sides and up, never in front of it. Who could go home looking only at the sky? We can’t blame you, poor thing!

has poison

Certainly, if you come across this animal you will want to touch it. Be careful! Although it is strange to find venom in a mammal, the platypus has it. Why would we find it strange? Nothing is what it seems on this animal.

On its hind legs, it has a type of spur in which the poison accumulates  and which can be released with a single blow. It is a method of defense against predators, as it is an attractive prey to them.

the incubation

The  incubation process  takes about ten days, during which  the female does not leave the nest, except for her needs and, yes, to comb her hair! We already said that this was an obsession.

Did you like to know more about this animal? Of course, when you come across one again, you will see it with new eyes.

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