Dog Depression: Prevention And Treatment

Canine Depression: Prevention and Treatment

Canine depression exists. Yes, just as with people, dogs can also suffer from depression. And unfortunately this is a very common disorder these days. Of course, there was no lack of research on this phenomenon and thanks to this there are very interesting data on the subject.

Interestingly, depression in dogs is not that different from human depression. Man’s best friend, being the animal that feels empathy best, suffers in a very similar way to the human.

Canine Depression Prevention

Preventing this kind of mental illness in our pets is perfectly possible. Experts ensure that it is appropriate to let the animal develop good behavioral habits. This is the best way to prevent disorders such as anxiety and depression. A dog can look like a child in certain attitudes. You need to take into account your emotional and physical needs.

dog lying on the asphalt floor: canine depression?

It is always recommended to start from the simplest. The dog’s living conditions must be adequate. He has to have good food, fresh water, leisure time, socializing habits with other animals, etc. The animal should feel at  ease and happy with its life. In fact, canine depression can be prevented in a very simple way.

leisure time

Leisure and socialization are fundamental factors for our pet. Depending on its size, the dog will need to leave the house between one and three times each day. Not just to do your own thing. During the walk, the dog will be able to exercise, socialize, have fun, and recreate its senses.

The psychological factor also plays an important role. The dog will always need emotional stimulation. Playing with him, talking to him, showing him attention, these are basic aspects. Likewise, the animal should feel wanted and valued within the family environment. It should not be forgotten that most dogs live only with human beings. Sometimes they may have difficulty adjusting to life with another species.

It is important not to let the animal spend too much time alone. This can be the source of anxiety and depression disorders. Dogs are very sociable animals, even more so than humans. When they are unaccompanied too long, they become sad and discouraged. After these first symptoms, depression will follow.

Canine Depression Treatment

When depression has already set in in the animal, it is necessary to act quickly. This disease affects dogs and people in the same way, even dogs can have worse consequences. Among other things, because dogs are very sensitive. They have very different behavioral traits. Aggression, fear, sadness, euphoria and much more. They are special beings who live their emotional side intensely.

The treatment of canine depression requires certain behavioral modification techniques. The professional will visit the animal’s environment. That way you will be able to better understand the situation. Even so, the development of therapy requires a lot of patience, especially on the part of the pet owner.

positive reinforcement

Positive education is a technique that has yielded many good results. It is a reinforcement with stimuli for the animal. He will be taught good habits based on rewards, rewards and displays of affection. The ethologist will guide the animal’s owner so that he is able to contribute to the treatment as well.

woman hugging her dog

In more serious cases there are other techniques. Multimodal therapy, for example, includes medicating with antidepressants and anxiolytics, but it is not always preferable to leave this as a last resort. The first thing to do is work on changing animal behavior habits.

Other alternative therapies

Nowadays, other types of therapy are also being promoted, according to the New Age. Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, and Acupuncture are some of them. Either way, it will always be necessary for the vet to make an appointment with the animal first.

Dogs generally respond very well to behavioral therapies. It doesn’t happen to people. The fact that the animal is more sensitive and intuitive makes its emotional disorders easier to treat. Very few cases of canine depression are known to have had fatal consequences. Even so, it is always necessary to be alert, and to treat the problem as soon as possible.

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