Etna’s Cirneco: A Small And Agile Hunter

The Cirneco do Etna: a small and agile hunter

The Etna Cirneco is a small breed of dog. It is a little known species and looks like a mutt, but behind it hide dogs with a lot of history and a big heart. We will tell you all about it in this article.

History of the Etna Circus

The Etna Cirneco is a type of Podengo that inhabits the Island of Sicily. However, it is an ancient breed of dog that apparently descends from the hunting dogs of Ancient Egypt. It is likely that the Phoenicians spread this race across the Mediterranean.

We find evidence of the existence of this race in coins, mosaics or vases that date back to centuries before Christ. It is believed to be one of the most popular hunting dog breeds. old that exists.


Cirneco do Etna

O circus  Etna is a medium-sized dog, with a lean, elegant and robust body, but with defined and strong muscles. In addition, males measure between 45 and 50 centimeters from the base of the neck to the tail and can weigh from 12 to 15 kilos, while females are a little smaller, as they measure between 40 and 45 centimeters and can weigh up to the eight or ten pounds.

They have short, thick fur, softer in the area of ​​the ears and feet. It can present all shades of brown, from lighter beige to more intense brown, although they may appear with white mixed in its body:  on the belly, chest, head, etc.

The head is narrow and the muzzle is broad and pointed ; the stop, that is, the area between the base of the skull and the muzzle, is not very pronounced. It has pointed, forward-facing ears that are above the skull and very close together. The eyes are small and may be amber, ocher or hazel in color; never being black, gray or yellow.


Etna’s Cirneco is a type of dog Podengo  and therefore it is a hunting dog. His specialty is following the trail of small animals, such as rabbits , and chase them until capturing them. 

It is a dog with agile and elegant movements, as it likes to jump between rocks and develops with ease between the slopes of mountains, like those of the Etna volcano, where it comes from. When hunting, it’s silent and smart. 

However, it is noteworthy that he is happy playing the role of companion dog. This breed is loyal and affectionate with its owner and can even watch over the house.

It is a quiet dog, but it has  high levels of energy that it needs to expend. It is always alert and can become dependent on its owner. They are tolerant and persevering, but they also have an independent spirit, so they  need to receive specific training to collaborate with their owner at the time of hunting.

circus of etna


Etna’s circus needs little care. He has short fur, so by taking regular baths and weekly brushings, his fur will look beautiful and lustrous. During moulting times, it is good to increase the amount of brushing to eliminate dead hair and prevent skin problems.

This breed has no common congenital ailments, but like all hunting dogs, they  must have constant check-ups looking for external parasites. Ticks carry dangerous diseases and during your walks outdoors, some ticks may cling to them.

He doesn’t need any more queries on the  vet than other dog breeds. It is necessary that internal and external deworming are up to date, as well as vaccines.

They are usually healthy and strong dogs. For their physical and mental well-being, they need to take long walks in freedom. They especially like the mountainous and rugged terrain, where they can calmly release their energy.

They are stubborn dogs, so it won’t work to subject them to training based on punishment or the imposition of orders. Like positive reinforcement and pleasant experiences, and being an intelligent dog, it becomes easy to train.

The Etna Cirneco is a dog of a primitive breed that spread throughout the lands around the Mediterranean, but found its home in Sicily. It is, then, a breed of dogs with a lot of history and strength.

They are affectionate and loyal  hunters  who trust their sense of smell and instinct to capture their prey. Like all Podengos, they are active dogs that enjoy freedom and suffer great amounts of stress in cities.

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