Evidence Of Human Impact On Nature

Evidence of the impact of human beings on nature

The most devastating fact is that, in a period of 50 years, half of the animals on Earth have disappeared. Next, we will show some evidence of the impact of human beings on nature.

Evidence of the impact of human beings on nature

The impact of human beings on nature has increased considerably on our planet. This is due to both the demographic explosion and the use of plastics and consumerism.

Currently, on planet Earth, there are 7,722,727,000 people, representing only 0.01% of living beings. Even so, we managed to make a tremendous impact.

We have reached the point where we have caused the extinction of 83% of mammals and half of the plants.

Evidence of living beings on Earth

Recently, a study was published that calculates the percentages of biomass that different living beings occupy on Earth.  The study showed surprising results about the impact of human beings on the planet.


Although the seas are immense, the density of life in them is much lower than in land areas. Thus, only 1% of the terrestrial biomass lives in the seas.

Welcome to the Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is the new geological stage that, according to many scientists, we are. A stage defined by the enormous changes that human beings have caused on Earth.

An example of these tremendous changes is the number of domestic animals destined for meat production. 30% of the planet’s birds are wild, while 70% are domestic. Chickens, geese and turkeys are now the main representatives of birds.

In other groups of animals, things do not improve. 60% of all mammals are cows, pigs and other domestic animals, while 36% are humans. Only 4% of mammals are wild animals.

cows eating hay

the sixth extinction

In fact, livestock is considered one of the main causes of the extinction of animal species, along with a large part of agriculture aimed at feeding these animals.

We must remember that the huge amount of cattle raised for human consumption also needs a lot of pasture and feed to live and develop.

Surprisingly, only one-sixth of land mammals and one-fifth of marine mammals remain.

Since the disproportionate increase in human civilization, even plants have lost half their biomass.

We are nothing

Despite the tremendous impact of human beings on nature, these new studies also remind us that we are nothing.

One example is mushrooms: they weigh 200 times more than all the people on the planet combined.  The numbers become more impressive if we compare the weight of bacteria or plants.

These clues invite us to reflect on the tremendous impact of human beings on nature. How is it possible for a single species to have such a huge impact on an entire planet?

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