Field Spaniel

field spaniel

Today, we are going to talk about a dog from England that could be used very well as a hunting dog ; it is the field spaniel or field spaniel, in Portuguese. Would you like to know more about this breed? So read on!

Field spaniel, a very special dog

history and origin

It is said that this breed has a family kinship with the cocker spaniel, as both have the same origin. However, in 1892, there was a separation between them, making them two different races.

This breed soon became famous for its beautiful appearance and pleasant personality, although the creators had striven to create a uniformly colored, spotless dog, which led to the extinction of the original Spaniel. They crossed with other breeds so that they had shorter legs and longer bodies, but this caused a lot of genetic problems just at the time they were considered the champions of the exhibitions.

In order to recover what they had lost, that is, the field spaniel, the breeders began to cross it with the English springer spaniel, trying to eliminate the genetic problems and preserve the breed. However, its popularity has never been the same again and nowadays it is a practically unknown breed.

Physical characteristics of the field spaniel

Physically it is very similar to the cocker spaniel, it is medium sized, furry, with wide, drooping ears and a noble look. Males usually measure around 45 centimeters in height, while females only 43 centimeters. The weight of both ranges between 23 and 50 kilos.

The shape of its head is rounded, with a broad, narrow muzzle and dark brown almond -colored eyes. Its body is sovereign, muscular and strong, with a deep chest, and, as a rule, without a tail, since there is a custom of cutting it and even some are born without it.

field spaniel

Source: Apple2000

Its paws have a harmony in terms of size, are covered by a lot of hair, which, like the rest of the body, is very soft and silky. Their feet are rounded and compact, allowing them to provide a secure support when walking and striding.

In addition, its fur is abundant all over the body, although much more in the region of the paws, chest, ears and belly. The existing colors are black and reddish, and, in some cases, fire-colored marks are allowed, but that do not call more attention than the main color. Some cases of specimens that were accepted by the clubs even being white in color, but this is not common.

Field spaniel personality and temperament

Although originally they were used as hunting dogs , are very good as companion animals, as with other Spaniels. They need a lot of exercise, but they are very docile and easy to train, tolerant of children, and extremely loyal. They are very attached to their owner (even in a family there is always one they consider the main one), but sometimes this attachment can become an obsession.

care and health

Your fur needs to receive a lot of treatment, as, due to its texture and width, it requires daily brushing that prevent us from forming. You will need to clean your eyes daily, as the bugs can stick to the hair and cause infections.

The shape of their ears makes them an ideal place where parasites and bacteria can hide and create disease. Therefore, it is necessary that the owner take a look at them every day and clean them with cotton or a clean cloth.

Finally, we find ourselves in front of a very affectionate and loyal animal that will bring a lot of joy to your life. Are you considering choosing one as your next pet?

Image source: Lilly M and Pleple2000

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