Fleas And Ticks: Learn How To Fight Them

Fleas and Ticks: Learn How to Fight Them

Temperatures rise and with them the possibility that your pet may suffer an infestation of fleas and ticks. They are uncomfortable external parasites that, in addition to causing skin irritation and possible allergies, can also transmit diseases, both in animals and in humans. That’s why it’s important that you know how to fight them.

Consult your veterinarian to choose the appropriate product against fleas and ticks


As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure, so it is ideal that you avoid fleas and ticks to lodge on your furry friend.

But in either case whether preventing or combating the already installed parasites  It is important to consult a veterinarian about the most suitable products to use.

The professional should indicate the best method according to the characteristics of your dog or cat. For example :

  • Age. A puppy is not the same as an adult animal, of course.
  • Weight. The dose should be administered according to what the scale indicates.
  • Health conditions. According to the animal’s clinical history.
  • Customs and areas in which you live. It must be taken into account if the animal lives in the country or in the city, if it spends a good part of its time outside the house or, on the contrary, it never goes out, etc.

What to consider when purchasing an external antiparasitic for your pet

In the pet market there are a lot of options to fight fleas and ticks. That is why it is important that the veterinarian indicates the best alternative for each stage of your pet’s life.

It is not convenient for you to purchase just one, whether on the advice of friends or neighbors. In these cases, it is not good for you to choose a product just because it is cheaper. It’s just that cheap can be expensive. So, inform yourself properly.

If the explanations that the veterinarian gives in relation to the products against these parasites do not satisfy you, you don’t have to stick to your word. You can ask other professionals and then decide.

Anyway, before applying an external antiparasitic product on your pet, read the package leaflet carefully and follow the instructions to the letter. And, if you have any doubts, go back to the professional.

Veterinary products to combat ectoparasites

Among the many options to fight fleas and ticks, and without forgetting that they must be products developed for veterinary use and for each species in particular, we can find :

  • Pipettes
  • Sprays
  • Post
  • shampoo

Remember that the dose should be appropriate for your pet’s size and age. And only repeat the application as instructed by a professional.

In addition, you should pay close attention to your furry, in case it shows any adverse reaction after applying the product. In that case, take him to the vet urgently.

About homemade and natural recipes against fleas and ticks

In addition to these antiparasitic drugs usually prepared by specialized laboratories, there are numerous homemade recipes to fight fleas and ticks that circulate by word of mouth and for some time now through this great diffuser of everything that is the internet.

The first thing to take into account in these cases is that, whether natural or homemade, these products are not necessarily harmless or innocuous. And that your dog or cat could end up with serious skin irritations.

So, if you want to use some of these options, also consult your veterinarian to find out if he advises applying them to your pet.

How to remove ticks


In the case of ticks, if you manage to locate them on your furry’s body, it is convenient that you remove them, in addition to using a specific product to cause the parasite’s death.

There are special tweezers to remove ticks and the removal must be carried out with extreme care so that they can be removed in their entirety, as they are literally attached to the animal’s skin.

Again: Ask the veterinarian to explain how to extract the ticks and, if you don’t want to dare do it, take your furry to the vet’s office for the vet to do it.

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