Gibraltar Monkey: Characteristics, Behavior And Habitat

It is a primate that resides in Asia, Africa and Spain. He is very dangerous because of his behavior when he feels threatened. In addition, it can infect us with a deadly disease, herpes virus B. It stands out for being a species very adapted to different heights and temperatures, from zero to more than 40ºC.
Gibraltar monkey: characteristics, behavior and habitat

The Gibraltar monkey or Berber monkey is a species belonging to the genus  Macaca. This animal has the second largest habitat among animals of the primate genus. As such, it is an example of biological success. The  most habitats of these monkeys is located in Asia.

In addition, the Gibraltar monkey resides in Africa and Gibraltar. He is the exception within apes. The scientific name of the species,  Macaca sylvanus , refers to the relationship that this animal maintains with the forests of North Africa.

Characteristics of the Gibraltar Monkey

This  is a medium-sized monkey, which has no tail. In addition, it has a thick brown coat that allows it to withstand cold temperatures. Like most primates, they have opposite fingernails and thumbs. Also, their faces are recognizable to other group members.

Like many other primates, Gibraltar monkeys  are omnivores, although a huge percentage of their diet is vegetable. Among these vegetables are leaves, herbs and other plant parts, as well as fruits, seeds and even mushrooms. Regarding the meat portion, these animals consume invertebrates and small reptiles.

Their diet varies throughout the year, especially when there is a shortage of fruit. In semi-freedom and captive populations, there are records of hunting squirrels and birds. Under human care, the diet usually consists of assorted vegetables, with some fruits. In addition, foods such as vegetables, tenebios or some meat can be offered during the winter.

Behavior of the Gibraltar Monkey

The Gibraltar monkey  is a diurnal animal that lives in groups that reach up to 100 individuals. In addition, groups of between 10 and 30 animals are usually seen. It is one of the species where females rule: the social structure is matriarchal.

Comportamento do macaco-de-gibraltar

In fact,  males have a lot of fun taking care of their young. They can even take care of puppies that are not yours. This is believed to be because females have for centuries selected males who are better fathers.

Monkeys communicate through facial gestures and sounds. It is important to note that  apes and humans share the use of facial expression.  However, our expressions are very different from those produced by these animals.

When a Gibraltar monkey seems to be kissing or smiling, that is, when it shows us all its teeth, it means something is bothering them. Many of these behaviors are friendly threats to get away from us. After all, if we don’t leave them alone, these animals won’t hesitate to go ahead and attack us.

This happens with other primates as well. That is why it  is important that we do not imitate them if we are in a zoo, sanctuary or in their natural habitat. After all, this will be the equivalent of teasing them. In fact, monkeys are one of the animals that bite people the most.

Gibraltar Monkey Habitat

All monkeys live in Asia except the Gibraltar monkey. For some time he lived in many areas of Europe. It is currently  found only in Spain and in mountainous and forested areas of Morocco and Algeria.

Barbary Macaque Habitat

Its great refuge is the cedar forests scattered across the planet, as well as the small population of Gibraltar. It is one of the primates best adapted to a wide range of temperatures, as they can live at heights of more than 2,000 meters. Therefore, in winter, they resist temperatures below freezing, or under the scorching African sun, at more than 40ºC.

The threats to the Gibraltar monkey are the destruction of its habitat and its exploitation as pets. You cannot have a monkey as a pet. However, even so, many are illegally captured in their habitat to be shipped to Europe. Spain is one of the countries most responsible for the trade in Gibraltar monkeys.

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