How Do I Keep Pets Warm In Winter?

Our puppies also suffer from bad weather. We need to know how to protect them from rain, wind and cold.
How to keep pets warm in winter?

When the coldest season of the year arrives, although our animals have their skin and fur prepared for any temperature, they are likely to feel it, especially if our homes are not properly heated.

So today we’re going to share some advice on keeping pets warm in winter.

Tips for keeping pets warm in winter

If you follow these practical tips, you’ll be able to keep your pet warm even in the coldest temperatures. These are the main steps to follow:

don’t shave your fur

Untangle the knots and maintain your pet’s good hygiene, but do not trim its fur, as this is one of the fundamental elements that will allow you to be protected from the cold and humidity in winter.

It is important that the hair is well brushed, as a matted hair is less effective when it comes to protecting against low temperatures.

limit the baths

In winter, it is recommended to bathe our animals at home and, if it is too cold, put a heater in the bathroom so that they do not feel such an intense shock in temperature when wet. Drying the hair well and drying it with a towel are also tips that help prevent it from getting cold.

In this season, it is better to space out the period between baths and use the water at a pleasant temperature for your pet.

dog taking a shower

Cut the fur on the foot pads

For those who live in regions where snow is common, keeping the pillows hairless will prevent the snow from sticking to them.

To do this, cut the hairs that grow around the pillows and clean the corners between them very well with a damp towel or gauze.

Pillows are one of the most delicate regions of our animals’ bodies, so it’s very important to protect them. Using Vaseline or even putting on shoes will suffice to maintain protection.

Do not overfeed your pet

Although food can help the animal conserve heat and energy, a domestic animal will not need an increase in the amount of food eaten, as this could lead to an overweight problem.

If your house is cold or the place where the food containers are located is cold, change them or make sure the water is at a suitable temperature for consumption.

Do not place a heater near your pet

Cold is just as bad as heat, so while you think warming your pet with a heater is a good idea, the truth is that if it gets too close to your pet, it can dry out its skin and even cause who has burns.

Therefore, it is important to keep the environment in which our animals are kept at a pleasant temperature, but never making them receive direct heat.

take shorter tours

walk the dog in autumn

When temperatures drop, it ‘s a good idea to take shorter walks with your dog, although they can be more frequent if you feel it’s necessary. Try to protect your paws before you leave the house, and if you want you can protect it from the cold with a little outfit.

If the rides are shorter, you’ll have to meet your exercise needs at home with play and other activities that allow you to exercise.

insulate your little house

If your pet stays in a house in the garden, for example, make sure it has a door that you can close and that it is completely insulated so that the cold and rain do not enter.

You can put insulating material or even make a false floor and ceiling between the materials. The important thing is that your pet does not feel cold, even if your refuge is outdoors.

These are just some tips that will help us keep pets warm in winter. However, if you know of any other preventative measures you usually take to help them, you can share them with us in the comments.

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