How Does Pollution Harm Dogs?

How does pollution harm dogs?

Environmental pollution is a problem that affects the planet and harms life and its various forms. Inhabitants of large cities are often the most affected, both humans and animals. Today, we’re going to tell you how pollution affects dogs too.

Learn how pollution harms your pet

To exemplify the way in which the contamination affects our furry friends, suffice it to say that, when an autopsy is performed on a dog that lives in the city, it is discovered that its bronchi are black and are very injured. 


Author: LuAnn Snowder Photography

Dogs that live in large cities and that are exposed to environmental pollution may suffer from one of these problems:

  • Bronchitis
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • difficulty breathing
  • lung tumors
  • Changes in the blood-brain barrier
  • Cortical neuron degeneration
  • Accumulation of protein groups associated with the development of Alzheimer’s in people

Dogs and people, victims of pollution in big cities

Dogs have a respiratory system very similar to humans. However, as they walk closer to the ground than us, they suffer more from pollution. 

This happens because pollutant particles, such as those in dust, tend to accumulate on the ground that the animals sniff out  on their walks. And it’s better not even to imagine how they affect the animals that live permanently on the streets.

In addition, in times when there is a shortage of rain, the dogs’ respiratory problems increase, as the contamination is even more concentrated in the atmosphere.

Some advice for human and canine inhabitants living in polluted cities

If you live in a large metropolis, pay attention to the following tips to alleviate the effects of pollution on your pet  that may also be helpful to you:

  • Escape often to the countryside, where the pollution is at least not so evident.
  • Do not smoke indoors.
  • Take your pet for a walk at times when there is not a lot of vehicular traffic.
  • If your dog is old, don’t walk fast with him. If he becomes fatigued and breathes too quickly, he will inhale more pollutants.

Other data that should be taken into account regarding dogs and pollution

Also remember the following aspects regarding dogs and pollution:

  • Dogs with previous respiratory problems or heart problems are more affected by environmental pollution  than healthier pets.
  • Walking 10 minutes in a big city at times of overcrowding is more dangerous than walking for 1 hour when traffic is less. Take this information into account when choosing when you will take your pet for a walk.
  • Brachycephalic breeds (with flat snouts) have more difficulty filtering pollutant particles. 

Noise pollution, another problem in cities


Noise pollution is another problem that affects dogs living in big cities, causing them fear, anxiety and stress. 

Don’t forget that dogs’ hearing is much more developed than that of humans. Therefore, they suffer much more from the myriad of noises that are constantly generated in a metropolis. For example:

  • Horns
  • Sirens of various types
  • Cracks due to various reasons
  • Alarms
  • Engines
  • Manifestations

The list can be endless. What happens is that, although dogs tolerate this pollution better, since they were properly socialized since they were small, their ears do not stop suffering due to the noise in the environment, which apparently will not decrease.

In search of a better quality of life for humans and animals

So, as you already know,  pollution seems to have come to stay in big cities. It is your obligation to find a way to reduce its effects to achieve a better quality of life for you and your pet. If we all do our part, maybe we can live in the not-too-distant future, with less pollution.

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