How To Bathe A Dog In Winter

The first thing to keep in mind is that, in the winter period, it is not necessary to bathe your pet as often. Also, baths should be short to avoid suffering.
How to Bathe a Dog in Winter

In summer it is much easier as it also helps to cool off. However, bathing a dog in winter can be a more complicated task. We must be very careful that he doesn’t get sick! Learn more in this article.

Tips  for Bathing a Dog in Winter

Like people, animals feel  cold, even if they have fur to protect them and, in some cases, owners who buy them clothes. However, this does not mean that, in winter, they no longer emit odor and that there is no need to bathe them.

Also, it’s easier for them to get dirty; because maybe they go for a walk when it rains or step into a bog in the park … and, of course, add to that that they spend more time indoors and it seems their ‘perfume’ permeates the whole environment.

Bathing a dog in  winter  is completely opposite to what happens in summer, when it can be an enjoyable, refreshing, and fun activity. Some tips for keeping your pet clean during the cold season are as follows:

  1. Frequency of baths

It is not advisable to bathe the dogs every week, as this way they cannot produce their own scents – which they use, for example, to communicate with other  pets. Furthermore, the hairs lose certain properties due to lack of oiliness.

  1. give quick baths

Express ‘ baths are recommended for when it’s cold; for in this way we remove the “coarsest” dirt from the animal and prevent it from getting sick. So don’t spend an hour soaping your pet: save it for the summer.

bathe a dog

  1. use warm water

Even when it is hot, it is recommended that the water is not cold, as it is not good for the animal’s health. To bathe a dog in winter, it is best to heat the water a little. This way, he will be able to enjoy the bath and will not be cold. Be careful not to burn it!

  1. bathe inside the house

Although this is a bit crazy idea, the truth is that it will avoid a lot of problems. Bathe your dog in the shower if he’s big or medium – like a  Labrador  or boxer – in the sink or in the laundry room if he’s small – breeds like chihuahua, sausage or  French bulldog  – this will prevent them from catching a cold.

  1. dry well

After you finish bathing a dog, let it “run” or “shake itself” and move its body in all directions. Try letting him do this in a place that can get wet, such as the bathroom or laundry.

dog bath

To keep it from getting wet, it’s a good idea to wrap it in a towel for a few minutes. This way you will remove excess water. But your dog will still try to remove moisture!

Also, we  recommend that you use a hair dryer to dry it completely. Make sure the air is not too hot as this can burn your skin. This will prevent not only health problems such as pneumonia, but also the appearance of  fungus  due to humidity.

  1. choose a sunny day

In addition to bathing your dog indoors, it is preferable to do it on those days when the sun is present. Also choose to wash it at midday, so that, if he wants, he can lie down in the sun for a while and finish drying on his own. That way he won’t feel so cold after his shower!

Finally, you have the option of taking it for a bath at a veterinary clinic, a pet salon or using dry cleaning products: powders that are placed on top of the animal and spread with a brush. This will keep your hygiene in winter!

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