How To Choose A Gift For Pets?

Statistics say that few owners bother to give their pets a birthday or Christmas gift. However, if you’re the minority who wants to bundle up your dog or hamster, we can give you some ideas on how to get it right with any pet gift:

How to Choose a Gift for Pets

Before choosing a gift for a pet, we have to consider some basic aspects of common sense:

  • Is this gift safe? Will it hurt you?
  • Does he need this gift or is there another one that might be more needed?
  • Will he like the present?

We should never give away anything that would harm or displease our pet. For example: delicious but indigestible food; a trip in which he was physically exhausted or a collar that hurts are not present: they are punishments and they are unpleasant for them. If we want to give a gift, we have to be sure that it is for him to enjoy it.

cat with christmas presents

In fact, sometimes we are tempted to give them large objects that are very attractive to the human eye, but not very interesting to the animal: plastic objects, very sweet or tasteless food, bright colors…

And it is worth noting that those things that are good to bite, which have different textures and colors that are not very aggressive, are usually more interesting for our pets.

First and foremost, we must prioritize the needs of our pets over the visual appeal that any gift we give them may have. For example, a hamster will arguably enjoy a new cage with more space than a ball, as it will spend more time in the cage.

What if, instead of giving a package of dog biscuits as a gift, we think about changing your dog food to a better quality or more tasty one? We emphasize that needs are more important than objects.

Five Gift Ideas for Pets: Basic Necessities

When basic needs are met, our pets are happier and healthier. Perhaps they can enjoy more of an improvement in this regard than a new toy:

  • A better quality feed
  • Special bones or horns for gnawing (dogs)
  • One cage wider (rodents and birds)
  • One filter best (fish)
  • a post for scratch taller and with hiding places (cats)

Five ideas for pets: objects for pets

There are always objects your pet will enjoy that are more useful and constructive than a ball to throw or a laser to chase. There are many options that cater to the tastes of each species:

  • A longer strap and a  breastplate  new (dog)
  • A window hammock (cat)
  • A new, more comfortable bed
  • Grain bars for chewing (rodents)
  • A cave (birds)

Five Gift Ideas for Pets: Objects for Humans

When their owners are happier and more motivated, pets give back. Perhaps we can present the owner of the animal, and not the animal itself, by giving them something that is good for both of them:

  • a new brush
  • A book on training with positive reinforcement
  • Puzzles, feathers or other games to share
  • A book on training with clicker
  • A place in a workshop about relaxing walks or games

dog with ball in mouth

Five Gift Ideas for Pets: Non-Objects

Gifts don’t have to be concrete objects either. There are abstract gifts that can be much more valuable than any other object because we can improve the lives of our pets with abstract gifts, but they are useful.

Some may not like it (which dog would enjoy a trip to the vet?), but it can have many positive effects on the animal’s future. Thus, prevention and improvement in quality of life affect the whole family.

  • Basic Obedience Classes
  • Vouchers for going to the veterinarian
  • A visit to a new larger dog park
  • a session of spa in a low-stress environment
  • Start buying fruits and vegetables from a grocery store better than usual (for those who have pets like rabbits and pet rodents)

You are part of a minority who know that taking care of your pets and showing them affection is not harmful and improves your relationship. Follow basic safety measures, don’t get carried away by the stark colors of toys in the Pet Shops, and think about what your pet would enjoy.

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