How To Understand Your Cat?

How to understand your cat?

They say that cats are tricky and you can never predict how they will act. We’re sorry that some people think so, because on the My Animals blog we don’t agree with that. Cats are loving and loyal beings, that yes, they have a special personality that is not always easy to understand. However, today we will teach you some ways  to understand your cat.

That’s why, on the My Animals blog, we’ll help you understand your cat. If you’ve ever felt misunderstood by him or believed you can’t understand him, don’t worry, in this post we’ll help you.

Understand your cat. Cats and their extravagances

Not all cats are the same, that we can understand, isn’t it? However, they all share some behaviors, which we call extravagances because they are different from other pets, for example, dogs.

But understanding your cat won’t be that difficult if you learn to identify these behaviors and what they mean. Let’s look at at least 4 examples:

1.- Understand the vocal sounds of cats

Cats make different sounds, and each one has a different meaning. Remember that they don’t speak, so you’ll have to know what they want from the sound they vocalize.

How to make the cat not meow too much


It’s your language, simple as that. The most normal thing is that cats meow when they want something from you: caresses, food, water, for you to give them something or just to let them relax.

As you spend time with your cat, it will be easier to recognize their meows and know what each one means. In fact, there are different meows and each one has a meaning, as we have already explained in one of our articles.


This has always been associated with when the cat is happy or at ease, but there is a kind of purring that comes when they are in trouble, such as when they feel sick.

If your pussy doesn’t purr, rest assured, not everyone does. This is important for you to understand your cat.

grunt or whisper

They do this when they are angry. So, don’t go believing that for its owner, you’ll be able to take it in your arms and calm it down. Forget about it, if you try to grab him by the arms when he’s angry, he might bite you. Remember that animals don’t have the power to control their emotions.

2.- Body language


A bored cat won’t always grunt.  Your body language can show if your cat has this feeling, for example: dilated pupils, bristly fur, staring.

If he’s feeling scared, his ears will flip back and he’ll curl up, as if he wanted to hide between your body.

rub against people

There are people who are bothered by this, but there is a reason cats do this. This behavior shows that they like the person and want to create a special connection with them.

The same happens when they act like this with other animals.


Something all cats do, but few know what it means. When they were babies, they kneaded their mommy to get the milk to flow from their mammary glands, so it seems to be an inert movement they can’t help.

3.- Understand your behavior with other cats

dominant or dominated

Cats have their own hierarchies and there will always be a dominant and a dominated. The dominant will walk stiffly towards the other cat with its ears and tail up.

If your cat is submissive, he will walk towards the dominant looking at the ground and with his ears and tail down.

new cat

Before adding a new cat to the family, you should make sure your cat will accept it.

It is possible that at first the cat will growl and whisper slowly, as it is normal for him to see the new tenant of the home as a threat, but usually this is a behavior that will pass and they will soon accept each other.

thief ties

Although they have the reputation of being independent, cats are affectionate beings and they need the love and affection of others, whether they are people or felines. In this way, they form bonds among themselves that unite them and they demonstrate this, for example, when at the moment of the death of one of them, through the bitter meow or by not eating.

cats adapt their behavior

4.- Destructive behavior

Many people resist adopting a cat because they think they destroy everything with their claws. This is a behavior that can be remedied by buying a scratcher so the cat can strengthen its claws.

However, when a cat destroys, there is something behind it that may go unnoticed.

One reason could be that your cat is depressed or distressed about something. An animal psychologist can help you.

Perhaps, your way of destroying is to urinate all over the house. This is not common behavior in cats. Do you clean your litter box daily? This is extremely important as hygiene is paramount to them.

We hope we’ve helped you understand your cat better and start loving it even more, if possible.

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