I Once Needed A Helping Hand And Received A Paw

I once needed a helping hand and received a paw

On many occasions, it was questioned whether animals have feelings or not, if they had the capacity to love us and if they had something that we could call the sixth sense, which would allow them to know when we are bad.

Regardless of what many say, even if they are the majority, what is certain is that there are many real experiences that demonstrate that these faithful friends reach out to you when you need them most.

Dogs are known as the most faithful animals, those who have the ability to always be there with you, regardless of the circumstances and even how we treat them. Added to this, they have the ability to show empathy: they even suffer their pain in their heart. That’s more than most humans are capable of!

In what situations is a dog able to extend a paw to us?

Stretch out your paw… Loneliness


Author: natanael

Millions of people who are lonely because they haven’t found someone to share their life with, or because they’ve lost someone they found, have found solace and faithful companionship in a canine friend. There are many elderly people who have only one dog, or single people who look for a dog as a home companion and come to love it as a friend, or only children who come to see in a dog, a brother and a playmate.

Reach out your paw… Frustration

There are so many things in this life that cause us frustration that they are countless. We are recommended to read self-help books, go to psychologists and other counselors. We’re not saying you shouldn’t, but the truth is that many of the frustrations we feel can be soothed or appeased if we grab the paw that this furry friend can extend to us.

There are millions of couples who want to have children and unfortunately cannot. An animal cannot completely fill that void, of course, but it can help to have someone to care for and love for your whole life.

People who are out of work can also soothe their frustration by caring for an animal, not to mention the laughter it can give you in your playtime or any other time.

Stretch out your paw… Sadness

If you have owned or owned a dog, it is certain that you have cried in front of him on more than one occasion. What do you remember about his reaction? Indifference? Contempt? Of course! Certainly your friend has extended his paw trying to make an effort to give you pampering, love and affection and to try to make you smile and see you happy. Isn’t that much more than what many “friends” have ever done for you?

Ways He Extends His Paw To You

friend paw

We’ve already seen that in many situations you can always count on your furry friend and your paw. But in what ways can he extend his paw to us?

  • Following us everywhere. We know that sometimes you’ve been bothered because your pet did this, but it’s a way of saying: Hey! I love you and I will always be here, count on me. Don’t fight him when he follows you, thank him for his friendship and loyalty.
  • Licking us. Another attitude is uncomfortable and somewhat disgusting, but it is one of the only ways that dogs can show us their affection.
  • Lying down beside us or at our feet. It’s as if they watch over us and our negative feelings, waiting for them to change and transform into something better.
  • Staring at us. Have you ever seen your pet staring at you without taking his eyes off you? This can happen especially if your pet feels you are sick. He’s watching over you and making sure your situation doesn’t get worse.
  • Crying. In this way you want to attract your attention. He knows you’re bad and he can’t stand it if you don’t look at him and understand that he’s there to support you, to love you and to give you a paw.

    As we have seen, your dog is someone who will always give you a paw, who will never fail and who will be attentive to your needs, feelings and circumstances. Possibly, the ways he uses to do this will not always seem very pleasant to him (like licking you, for example), but think of the beautiful feeling that these gestures hide. Your dog loves you and he extends his paw to you, grab it!

    Image courtesy of Three Looks.

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