Important Care For Gould’s Diamond

Important Care for Gould's Diamond

Like an exotic bird, the Gould Diamond requires demanding living conditions that have to do with temperature, light hours, cage and food.

Among the so-called exotic birds, the Gould Diamond is one of the most popular. Its harmonious colors are striking and cheerful. As such, they are highly sought after because of their good looks.

Of Australian origin, these birds require certain specific care when entering captivity. In freedom, they choose warm climates, preferably dry and with abundant water and vegetation.

There are  three subspecies of these birds. This implies a variation in color combination, especially in the head.

Furthermore, they can be even more varied in captivity if they cross individuals of different origins with each other.

Domestic Habitat: How to Care for Gould’s Diamonds

Since these birds come from warm habitats, it  is necessary to obtain a temperature for them above 20 °C.

If these conditions are met, Gould’s Diamond can spend its days indoors and out. In any case, do not leave the cage fixed in one place.

Gould’s Diamond enjoys the sun and fresh air, but leaving the cage in the sun in summer or without protection from the wind can be fatal.

On the other hand, a closed indoor space, with humidity or bad odors, would be equally harmful to the bird.

Importance of light

Light is essential for all birds. This little animal must strictly respect its annual cycle.

Periods of rest, heat, reproduction and molting must be carried out uninterruptedly to preserve the bird’s mental health. Also, when they are with their puppies, they need up to 14 hours of daylight.

care for gould's diamond

the bird’s house

Because of the strongly gregarious and sociable nature of Gould’s Diamond, it’s best to have two individuals in the cage together.

In this way, two birds of the same species will offer each other the necessary companionship. However, there are species that coexist perfectly with Gould’s Diamond.

In any case, the space where this animal is introduced must be large enough to allow it to flap its wings a little.

It is estimated that these birds need one meter each for relative comfort in captivity.

Horizontal aviaries are more suitable for Gould’s Diamond than vertical ones, due to the type of flight characteristic of these birds, which is horizontal.

One way to decorate the birdhouse is to use different levels of soft wood, which they use to play with.

It is necessary to avoid placing the feeders on wooden boards, so that they last longer clean. A clean cage is very important to the well-being of the Gould Diamond.

Gould’s Diamond Feed

Just as the light that Gould’s Diamond receives must be regulated, the same applies to food. These birds eat different foods or food combinations depending on the time of year they are found.

The quantity and quality of carbohydrates, proteins or fats will not be the same at rest and during reproduction.

Therefore, it is important that our pet receives the necessary nutrients at the right time.

gould's diamond bird

In any case, there are commercial blends of birdseed and millet, among others, that provide a large part of the nutrients that Gould’s Diamond needs. To complement this, you can add various fruits and vegetables.

As they are insectivores, the best dessert these birds can receive are succulent worms. If the worms are alive, so much the better.

Another factor to consider is water. This bird is so fond of water that it usually bathes several times a day. Therefore, water cannot be lacking at any time.

A deep dish with water for bathing and a drinker with clean water are good options for this bird’s cage.

How to Care for Gould’s Diamond Daily

As with most birds, Gould’s Diamond doesn’t like to get caught between hands. Although it’s not a fragile bird, handling stresses it out a lot. The less you try to hold Gould’s Diamond, the better for him.

In short, taking responsibility for a bird’s conservation is an important commitment. As it is an exotic animal, it will always be necessary to resort to specialized professionals in case of any problem or illness.

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