Indigestion In Pets

Indigestion in pets

It is clear that food is one of the greatest pleasures that human beings enjoy. There is such a variety of different dishes and cuisines that we can safely say that we could find different recipes for every day of our lives.

But so that this pleasure doesn’t turn into a nightmare,  we always have to eat in a moderate way. By acquiring good eating habits, we will contribute, in large part, to avoiding problems. This happens not only with people, but also with animals.

So today we tell you everything you need to know about indigestion in pets.

Indigestion in pets

Generally, an animal is indigestible when it eats too much or on occasions when the food has not been properly digested, it is also possible that a specific food may not suit it well.

It is not an issue that is unimportant, since a wrong diet can cause serious gastric problems that will make the animals feel bad, with discomfort and pain.

Animals must always eat the right amount.


An inappropriate diet is the biggest enemy of our animals’ digestive tract, so we have to try to make our animal eat as properly as possible.

It is not only important that the foods are fit for your intake, but it is also essential that the amounts are correct. Know that most medical appointments that are carried out with certain types of animals are, precisely, for a digestive cause.

Main symptoms of indigestion in animals

The first symptom that we will notice in our animal is that the little it eats, vomits, or even vomits without having ingested any food. We will also notice that the animal is more apathetic in general and, also, we will notice that it is dejected and without strength.

In addition, digestive problems are often accompanied by stomach pain or discomfort, it is quite possible that our pet adopts a position that relieves this pain.

How to help our pets in such cases

  • Once we have realized that the animal suffers from indigestion, it is essential that it remains fasted for 12 hours.
  • When vomiting starts, it is likely to recur until the animal is able to empty its stomach. The time to start the fast is when these vomiting stops.
  • Once the allotted time for fasting has passed, we can start giving you food, but in low doses. Then, gradually, we will increase the amount, until, after a few days, it returns to normal.
  • If the animal does not relapse, it means that the problem has been overcome.
  • A key aspect is that the animal does not dehydrate, something that could occur because of vomiting and a possible diarrhea that could be suffered in these cases. Do not allow him to drink too much fluid at once, as he is likely to vomit again.
  • Offer him small doses but often and make sure he takes them.
  • When the symptoms do not go away in two or three days, it is essential that you take him, without further ado, to the veterinarian. The problem could complicate and lead to pancreatitis, gastric torsion or even an ulcer. Therefore, take the relief measures as soon as possible.
  • Of course, too,  if at any time you see blood in your stool or vomit, take it immediately to the vet.

How to prevent these problems in our animals

puppies eating

  1. Balanced diet. As we said, the animal must always eat the adequate amount, according to its age and physical condition, no more and no less. If we are in doubt about the diet of our animals, we should consult a veterinarian.
  2. Do not allow them to eat quickly. One of the reasons for indigestion is the fact that many animals eat with anxiety. Try to prevent this from happening.
  3. No leftovers. When giving human food to an animal, we have to be very careful, as not everything is good for it and, in addition, it is more difficult to control. The best thing is that he only eats his own food.
  4. No exercises. We must prevent our animals from exercising after eating. If possible, they should rest for about 30 minutes as soon as they finish eating.
  5. Special foods. If we notice that our animal often suffers from indigestion, despite putting these advices into practice, it would be important to consult a veterinarian about the possibility of a special diet, as some food may be doing him harm.

Now you know not only how to act, but also how to prevent indigestion in pets. Put it into practice.

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