Inside Every Dog ​​there Is Always A Great Spirit

The dog is undeniably a great friend of man. He even forms a bond with the people he loves that is practically unique in the animal world, which leads us to think that inside every dog ​​there is always a great spirit.

Thanks to their personality and their friendly and affectionate attitude, dogs are commonly known as man’s best friend and, although this depends a lot on people’s preferences for pets, there is no doubt that dogs are great company.

In fact, in history there are countless accounts of dogs that stood out for their loyalty, bravery and the unconditional love they felt for their owner.

The same occurs in mythology, where the special characteristics of dogs are evidenced, whether as fearful protectors or loving and faithful friends. Let’s see some of the characteristics that most fascinate us in dogs:

Always willing and full of energy

The playful character of dogs is one of the elements that most fascinates their owners, because, unless they are sick or very tired, they will always be willing to spend quality time at your side.

Dogs love to run outdoors, in addition to being highly social animals, so it is imperative that we take them for a walk and that we can allow them to have experiences that feed their spirit and stimulate their development.

Excess energy, due to accumulation, especially because they do not exercise properly, can become a problem, especially because the dog does not lead an active and healthy life.

friendly personality

Due to the complex social structure of dogs, they are very friendly animals. Dogs tend to develop a hierarchical structure, herds of more than fifty dogs have been observed.

So they need an owner who can devote time to them, even if it’s not twenty-four hours a day, which is enough hours to make up for what the animal spends alone.

Socialization in dogs is very important, especially when done at an early age, as this prevents the animal from developing personality problems, such as stress, nervousness and aggression.

faithful like no one

Dogs are very loyal animals, and even the smallest ones are capable of great displays of courage, especially when it comes to protecting their owner.

Thousands of cases in which dogs have helped humans in the most desperate situations have become famous around the world, showing that dogs are very trustworthy and faithful animals, even after death.

However, due to blind trust in their owners, they are often victims of mistreatment and will not even try to defend themselves, because despite not understanding the meaning of what is happening to them, they will think that everything is fine because who mistreats them is someone the dog considers a leader.

Therefore, you  should seek to apply strategies to strengthen the bonds between you and your furry best friend and to educate him in the best way.  Keep in mind that violence and screaming will never be a good plan and, quite the contrary, you will only get your pet to fear you and resent you.


Everyone knows that dogs are capable of interpreting their owners’ moods, so if they feel you’re depressed or something is happening to you, they’ll try to cheer you up.

Dogs, like some primates, are one of the few animals able to empathize with humans and support them socially.

So, ideally, we can repay this. Don’t hurt your dog, isolate him or punish him severely.  Think that he needs you to teach him and understand that during this process he will make some mistakes, so be patient and strengthen your bond with him.

a master mind

It is false that some races are smarter than others.  There are races that are better conditioned to take orders, which is a very different situation.

All dogs, including mature ones, have the ability to learn new things, either because they were taught or because they learned it from contact with the environment.

Also, they are very good at solving challenges and love to be urged to do something.

For all that, when you have a dog as a companion animal, you will not only have a beautiful animal that will protect you, but also a being that has a big heart and an indomitable spirit willing to be with you even in the worst moments.

Image credits: myri_bonnie.

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