Introduce The Baby To Your Pet

Introduce your baby to your pet

The animal should never feel displaced by the presence of a new family member; if this happens, he will tend to have destructive behaviors, and an accident or misunderstanding may occur, but this can be avoided with our effort and supervision. Introducing your baby to your pet is very important.

There are still many people who abandon their pets or look for new families for them when they discover a new baby is coming home: these people don’t know that  pets are great company for young children. Because first impressions are important, we’ll talk about introducing your baby to your pet.

Your pet knows a baby is coming

The first thing to keep in mind is that your pet knows there is a baby on the way. In fact, it’s been proven that  dogs know a woman is pregnant before she does.

Animals are very observant and have an  olfactory ability  that humans do not have. Both your dog and cat know there is a baby in the making; they smell the hormonal changes and notice that the pregnant woman’s body changes little by little.

Therefore, it is not strictly necessary to introduce the baby to your pet, as he already knows that there will be a new person in his house. However, it  is a good idea to take certain precautions so that the new coexistence situation is good  for everyone.

pregnant woman with dog

The changes when the baby arrives

The arrival of a baby changes the lives of both their parents and their pets; it changes even before the baby is born. During the last few weeks before birth, he will almost always be accompanied at home and may even take more walks and play than usual.

Then, all of a sudden,  he’ll be home alone for long hours while the rest of his family stays in the hospital. These types of changes can cause many  behavioral problems and  stress, as well as destructive behavior or excessive barking.

To prevent your pet from feeling lonely for a long time, it  might be a good idea to ask a friend or family member to visit. If it’s a puppy, someone will have to take it for walks and play, as well as continue with its other routines.

Another piece of advice that is usually given is the need to  implement the new house rules before the baby is born:  if he cannot enter one of the rooms, for example, we should teach him to stay out of this place a few weeks in advance. This way the changes will be gradual and it will be easier for the animals to learn them.

Care to introduce your baby to your pet

Even if your pet knows that a baby will soon be arriving in the family, we shouldn’t neglect the time dedicated to introductions. Dogs and cats should not want to harm a member of their family,  but an accident can occur and this should be avoided.

baby with puppies

To deliver a presentation safely, remember:

  • The presentation should be done in a quiet moment, without waking the animal from a nap, for example. Wait until he is comfortable and relaxed. If you’re nervous, it’s easier to have an accident.
  • If your pet doesn’t want to introduce himself, make room for him. He already  knows there is a new member in the family; you don’t need to pressure him to get closer.

May your pet remain important

With all the attention and time you need to devote to a baby, the time you used to spend with your pet may change. However,  animals want to keep to their routines and they love our attention.

Even if the baby takes a lot of time, make sure your pet isn’t left behind. Play  equally with your cat and don’t let  your dog’s walks  slow down;  Seek help from friends or family so that your pet can continue enjoying its leisure time.

For all pets, even if they are not cats or dogs, the advice is the same:  help them feel loved and important. If you fail at this point, behavioral problems are likely to appear  to get your attention: it’s best to give him what he needs before he has to fight for it.

baby with dog

Always under supervision

Even if your pet is loving your baby and has welcomed him or her,  remember that you should always supervise the time they spend together. There may be accidents or misunderstandings between the two, accidents that are preventable.

For example, many cats want to  sleep  next to babies and sometimes sit on top of them, in their crib, or accidentally hit them with their tails. Something similar happens with dogs, who may want to get close to the new family member and may scratch or drool at them out of carelessness.

Even when your child grows up, you will always need to supervise interactions with pets, for everyone’s safety. Always help the animal to relax if it feels overwhelmed, providing it with a peaceful environment, where jumps or scratches can be avoided due to your pet’s animation.

Animals know when there is a pregnancy and recognize the new family member before he is born. Nevertheless, when introducing your baby to your pet, safety must not be neglected and we must monitor interactions between everyone to avoid accidents or misunderstandings.

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