Is The Vegan Diet For Dogs Harmful To Health?

Is the vegan diet healthy for my dog? How does this benefit you and how can it harm you? How should I follow this diet for it to be healthy? Here, we’ll give you the answers to those questions.
Is the vegan diet for dogs harmful to health?

Food is a fundamental pillar for good health, and every day more people decide to start following a vegan diet, eliminating all animal products from their diet. This decision is sometimes made by the healthy use of vegetables and sometimes because it is contrary to animal suffering. It has its pros and cons when it comes to well-being, but for everything there is a solution. So, the question remains, is a vegan diet for dogs harmful to the animal’s health?

Many of the people who have opted for the vegan diet for themselves  also consider the same diet for their pet. Still, it is necessary to take into account that both humans and dogs are mammals, and equally omnivorous in both cases.

Dogs are not exclusively carnivores, as is generally thought. Our metabolism works in a very similar way. Therefore, those who make the vegan option know how to prepare. These same aspects should be taken into consideration if you decide to feed your dog a vegan diet.

The Vegan Diet for Dogs

Vegetarianism and veganism can be easily confused, but they are not exactly the same:

Both types of diet are based on vegetable intake and also share the elimination of meat and fish from the diet. However, the big difference is that vegetarians consume animal products such  as milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese and honey, while vegans do not.

The Vegan Diet for Dogs

It is noteworthy that food consists in providing the necessary nutrients to our body for its proper functioning.

These nutrients are basically composed of  minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. Also, these elements are needed in specific and sufficient amounts in the diet if you don’t want your pet’s health and well-being to decline.

Minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates are easily and abundantly obtained from vegetables. The big controversy in this type of diet is the protein.

It’s a fact that your dog’s body is optimized to digest and use nutrients from animal sources more efficiently than those from plant sources. Even so, your metabolism is ready to properly accept a plant-based diet and get enough protein. You will just have to take into account a number of considerations when preparing a vegan diet. Next, we’ll talk more about this.

Design a vegan diet for your dog

So, as you’ve read so far,  plant-based feeding your dog is entirely possible. However, the vegan diet must be designed with great care so that no essential nutrient is missing and is present in the proper amount.

You can also eat a good homemade vegan diet,  but you should always ask your vet how to do it. The professional will be able to advise on the use of nutritional supplements to make up for any type of deficiency that arises from this homemade diet, a situation that does not usually occur when buying processed vegan feed.

Other considerations to consider when preparing a homemade vegan diet for your dog are:

  • Research and ask your veterinarian what is the best diet for your dog based on your dog’s size, activity level, and life stage.
  • Prefer fresh elements.
  • Take into account that natural and whole foods improve the animal’s digestion.
  • Pay attention to the balance of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
  • Use digestible carbohydrates: all grains in the food must be whole.
  • Wash food thoroughly to properly remove traces of pesticides.
  • Follow the recipes correctly.
  • Use a scale to measure quantities correctly.
  • Use nutritional supplements.

Is it bad for the animal's health?

Is it bad for the animal’s health?

As long as the above considerations are taken into account, the vegan diet should not be harmful to your pet’s health.

Likewise,  keep in mind that perhaps not all dogs tolerate a vegan diet equally well. This occurs with some animals due to chronic problems and others for metabolic reasons. For this reason, the consultation with the veterinarian must always be remembered to check if the animal’s nutritional balance is correct.

One thing must be taken into account: a balanced and good diet for the pet is essential for the development of a full and happy life.

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