Labrador: Discover All The Advantages Of This Breed

Labrador: Discover all the advantages of this breed

The Labrador, known mainly for being a guide dog, has many other characteristics and qualities in its character that make it a special and accessible dog for any place and family.

They can be in many colors, black, chocolate and gold, and two varieties, American and English. Here you can learn about the characteristics and personality to see if the Labrador is a dog that you can choose to be your companion.


labrador retriever

As we’ve already said, there are two varieties: English and American. English Labrador is wider and stockier, while the American is tall and thin. The hair is smooth, double-layered and very thick.

Its head is broad and the muzzle is black in yellow or chocolate dogs and golden in golden shades.

Their mouth is quite pronounced and they have a long neck. Your body is generally longer than it is tall.

However, one thing that should be clear is that the Labrador is a big dog. Don’t ever think that he will forever be that cute puppy we see in famous toilet paper commercials.

However, unlike other dogs, they have a big advantage when it comes to their coat. It’s short and easy to handle and it’s waterproof. That means you won’t have to undo knots or spend hours combing your hair when you shower it. Your little friend’s coat will remain intact by drying naturally with air.


The Labrador is characteristic for its loyalty, kindness, empathy and compassion. He is always willing to help. He will suffer when you are suffering and will try to do something to help you.

It won’t bother you if you don’t feel like playing and interacting, but it will be your adventurous companion whenever you need it. With children, he is an exceptional dog. He will do whatever they want without feeling obligated because he likes to be with them.

Your character is friendly and trustworthy. The Labrador is always friendly to other dogs, but can be a little suspicious and reluctant to strangers, especially when he’s a puppy. Therefore, it is important that, from an early age, help him socialize with others who are not part of his usual environment.

Perhaps you’ve heard of a destructive Labrador. Well no, but not because it’s inherent in their breed, but because the Labrador needs to feel part of a group.

Read it well, be part of a group, not dominate a group. Who should be the group leader in this case? Its owner: you.

If the dog does not feel that you are its leader, its behavior will be fearful and it will become a disobedient dog. The Labrador is very easy to train, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Teach him from a young age not to enter a door, even the house, before people do, to eat after you, to come when you call him, even to scold you… Prove that you are the boss, and when he grows up he will become a sweet, gentle and obedient dog.



A Labrador can live without problems in a small apartment, despite its large size compared to other dogs; as long as you are properly trained and expend all your energy.

So if you live in an apartment, think carefully about it because you’re going to need to spend time exercising with your new friend so he doesn’t get overwhelmed with anxiety or stress.

The exercise the Labrador needs is intense because of its strength and size. It can be done together, it can run with you or follow you while you ride your bike or jog together. If you live in a beach area where dogs are allowed, get his adrenaline pumping whenever you’re sure he’ll answer your calls.

And please, if you exercise with your Labrador, don’t overfeed him. This is a breed that tends to gain weight easily and this can cause many illnesses.

Would you like a sweet, gentle, obedient, trainable, affectionate, loyal and good dog with children who can adapt to living in a small place? Don’t hesitate, the Labrador is your best choice.

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