Learn How To Clean Your Cat’s Teeth Well

Know how to clean your cat's teeth well

Although cats are very hygienic and spend all day licking themselves, there is a part of their body they don’t clean: their teeth. In addition to the food, which performs the cleaning task, it  is essential that the owners are in charge of cleaning their kittens’ teeth. In this article, we’ll tell you how.

How to clean cat teeth?

It is necessary to take care of the teeth of cats, as well as their fur. However, most owners don’t know how to clean them properly. Poor oral brushing, in addition to causing tartar or gum inflammation, can also aggravate diseases such as diabetes in adult or elderly cats.

Among the typical diseases that appear in the cat’s mouth is tooth resorption. It is an inflammation in the tissues and skin of the cat, weakening the teeth and even causing their loss. Gingivitis is also very common. It is possible to notice that the gums are reddened and, in many cases, they have bleeding.

If you notice that your cat has a yellow or black plaque on its teeth and has a very unpleasant smell in its mouth, it is because it needs a good cleaning. According to a study by the American Veterinary Society, 7 out of 10 cats have oral problems due to poor hygiene.

As cats cannot clean their teeth on their own, owners should help them. In addition, you need to offer them certain foods that complement their oral hygiene. The feed is made to keep your teeth healthy and clean. They need to chew well so that the food rubs their teeth and removes tartar or food remains.

If you give wet food, it will not happen the same as when the kitten eats the food without crushing it. It is recommended to change your diet and pay attention to your habits. Some feed brands are more suitable for cats with tartar or other oral problems. They even sell “goodies” designed especially for such purposes.

Tips for brushing cat teeth

As much as we offer a good feed or a treat,  the animal needs brushing from time to time. There are specific products on the market, for example, in aerosol, which act as a mouthwash. However, be careful, as many cats are startled when they hear the sound of sprayers.

Another option is to buy a liquid antiseptic and use it in small doses to keep you from becoming intoxicated. You can apply it with gauze. Never use mouthwashes for people,  as they are harmful to the health of pets. 

In addition, we have available some special brushes for cats that are placed between your fingers for a more comfortable brushing, which has short and soft bristles. At first, it is  recommended to repeat the cleaning process twice a week, then only once.

The brushing technique must be practiced several times for the animal to get used to it. The ideal is to get him used to this cleaning as a puppy, because if you start brushing your teeth when you are an adult, it will take more time to get him used to it.

The first thing to do is to  wrap the kitten’s paws with a soft towel so it doesn’t scratch you. Then help him relax with a head and under-mouth massage. If you notice that he is too tense, try doing this another time.

Massage your teeth with clean, dry gauze. Then pass the brush, making smooth, circular motions. You may not be able to clean all your teeth on the first few attempts. You will need to alternate sides every time you brush them.

It is important that you be affectionate, gentle and slow in your movements, as cats are often frightened or upset by brutality or when they don’t like something. The idea is for your pet to perceive brushing as a game  or a show of love, not as an activity that brings pain or annoyance.

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