Leopard Gecko: An Ideal Pet

The leopard gecko is an exotic pet par excellence. Here, we’ll show you the tips and benefits of having one.
Leopard gecko: an ideal pet

When we think of a pet of small size and basic requirements, our mind automatically turns to familiar mammals. Hamsters, gerbils, cavies or rabbits are the first option many consider when it comes to owning an animal. Still, there are more exotic options, but no less valid. This is the case of the leopard gecko.

Introducing this little reptile

The leopard gecko ( Eublepharis macularius ) is a species of gecko in the family Eublepharidae . Below, we’ll show you some of its features:

  • They are native to semi-desert areas and are distributed throughout the Middle East.
  • Its size varies from 15 to 30 cm, the tail representing 1/3 of its total length. This characteristic tail serves as a reserve of fat, which can be detached from the body in dangerous situations.
  • Its typical color is yellowish with brown spots, although there are several morphotypes produced through captive breeding.
  • In the wild, they usually live in colonies, although they adapt very well to a solitary life. Males are extremely territorial.
  • They are very docile animals and it is very rare to see them adopting aggressive behavior.
  • They are insectivores. These animals feed on crickets, cockroaches and worms, among others, and do not accept any type of vegetable.

A nice and interesting animal, right? We have good news as these reptiles are available at any specialty store and make an excellent pet for adults and children alike. If you’re excited to have one, we’ll tell you how to prepare below.

What do I need to have a leopard gecko?

Although they are easy to care for, leopard geckos require considerable advance preparation.


The terrarium can be from the cheapest to the most sophisticated, depending on how much you want to spend. Let’s face it, the animal doesn’t care if the habitat is plastic or glass. The important thing is size and ventilation!

Suitable measurements are 70cm long by 40cm wide for a couple. It is very important never to pair two males together as they can be seriously injured. We must emphasize the importance of the terrarium having a correct ventilation system, so buying a plastic box will not be enough.

As a substrate, geckos accept almost anything. There is only one rule: the substrate must be made of organic matter. These animals hunt their prey only with their jaws, and it is common for them to carry soil debris with them. Therefore, the use of sand and stones is totally discouraged, as the animal cannot digest them, and they can cause its death.

  • The substrate to be used ranges from toilet paper to corn bed or coconut fiber.

It is necessary to place elements of environmental enrichment. Branches, hollow trunks or plastic or live plants will make the animal feel like it’s in its natural environment.

humidity and temperature

As a cold-blooded, semi-desert animal, temperature plays a key role in its survival.

There must be a temperature gradient in the terrarium, with the ideal average being 28 degrees. This is done by placing a reptile heating blanket on one of the halves (always on the bottom and glued to the outside to avoid burns). Thus, the animal can decide whether it wants to stay in a warmer or colder area, thermoregulating its body temperature.

With regard to humidity, just place a semi-open pot with moist toilet paper in which the animal can enter the terrarium. They need moisture to make a correct skin change, so this element shouldn’t be ignored.

What do I need to have a leopard gecko?

Feeding the leopard gecko

Leopard geckos are insectivorous animals. And maybe that’s the biggest “but” when considering having these pets. It is necessary to have colonies of crickets, cockroaches and earthworms  at home to provide a varied diet. Specialty stores have these insects at very cheap prices.

  • Hunting insects in open areas to feed them will never be an option, as they can carry parasites and harm your health.

These animals usually eat every 2-3 days when adults and almost every day when young. It is essential to provide calcium and vitamin D3 powder with two meals a week. Again, these vitamin supplements can be found at specialty stores.

Benefits of owning a leopard gecko

Despite the initial work that may involve adapting to the needs of this sympathetic reptile, its benefits as a pet are numerous:

  • They are extremely docile animals that can be picked up, handled and petted. You can take them out of the terrarium even daily to explore small spaces or for them to accompany you, but without exceeding half an hour.
  • They exhibit behaviors that are impossible to see in many other pets. Processes like molting the skin or hunting insects are fascinating, things that no domestic mammal will be able to show you.
  • They live up to 15 years, unlike many typical small mammals found in homes.
  • They will teach the younger members of the household to understand the value of biodiversity, not just look at the furry animals closest to humans.

In conclusion, you now know that these beautiful reptiles can make great pets to get started in the world of herpetology.

Although it requires prior preparation,  this reptile will provide years of company and knowledge about nature.

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