Living With A Pet Benefits Pregnancy

Living with a pet benefits pregnancy

It is a common fear for couples who are expecting a baby and have a pet to know what problems this could cause for their mother’s or little one’s health. But the myths that have spread around the world for years are nothing more than that: myths. Because far from being able to harm the fetus or the mother, having a pet benefits the pregnancy and is also beneficial to the health of both.

However, as much as we love our dog, he is not a person and we will have to take some precautions. We will see in this article how a pet benefits pregnancy and the precautions to be taken.

How a Pet Benefits Pregnancy

pregnant and dog

The simple fact that the mother-to-be takes the dog for a walk already improves her cardiovascular rhythm and, consequently, is beneficial to the baby’s health.

Walking daily also reduces the risks of obesity that can cause premature births. On the other hand, as we have said on many occasions, a dog improves our mood and increases our happiness, and the same happens in the case of the mother-to-be.

This will greatly reduce the possibility of depression or stress in the pregnant woman and will meet many of her emotional needs.

How a pet benefits the baby

A healthy mother brings a healthy baby into the world. For all of the above, any health improvements that the mother experiences will be transmitted to the baby.

On the other hand, after the child is born, it has been scientifically proven that a baby who grows up with a pet will be stronger and healthier, because by being in contact with a greater number of bacteria, his immune system will be stressed. to get stronger.

On top of this, a child who grows up with a pet will be more sensitive and happier. However, there are also precautions to be taken, let’s see which.

Precautions to be taken with our pet during the owner’s pregnancy

The first precautions to be taken have to do with the pet’s hygiene. It’s just that now Mom’s immune system should work for two people, so it might be easier to get some kind of infection or bacteria.

According to a gynecologist, the hygiene rule for the pet during pregnancy includes that the pregnant woman avoid, by all possible means, collecting or having any kind of contact with the excrement. The animals expel in their feces a parasite called Helminth, which can cause illness in pregnant women, although it is not a very serious risk.

If it is not possible to avoid collecting the excrement, the mother-to-be should always do it with gloves and extreme hygiene precautions.

Also avoid contact with the animal’s licks and mouth. Our animals eat everything they see and it’s easy for their mouths to be full of parasites and bacteria that can endanger the health of the mother and fetus.

pregnant with dog

And, of course, you cannot forget about vaccinations, the dog must have all the mandatory vaccinations. Just as another preventive measure.

But as you see, a pet is not a risk during pregnancy, just take into account the preventive measures we told you about and enjoy your pet’s company making it participate in this radical change in the life of your human family .

Don’t keep your baby away from him, we’re sure you won’t find a better guardian and nanny than your pet. They love babies and for nothing will harm, protect and care for the baby beyond their own lives.

This article is another example that we cannot believe everything they say, because myths have no basis and no foundation. But as always, in “My Animals”, we rely on the latest studies and scientific evidence so that our advice is accepted by you with complete peace of mind. Now you know how a pet benefits pregnancy.

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