Parrot Psittacosis

Symptoms of this disease are usually respiratory or may also include eye infections, weight loss, fatigue and diarrhea.
psittacosis in parrots

When we talk about psittacosis in parrots, we are referring to the so-called ornithosis or parrot fever. This disease  is quite contagious and can pose a problem for our pet and even for us,  so it is important to pay special attention to it, as it is  a zoonosis.

Causes of psittacosis in parrots

Being an infectious disease,  the only cause is infection through the bacterium  Chlamydia psitacciThis bacterium is usually acquired  by inhaling infectious particles of excrement, feathers, or  eye and respiratory secretions from the infected animal.

Psittacosis  can remain dormant in birds and only become active after a period of stress or some type of depression in parrots. This is not uncommon in these exotic bird species.

Symptoms of psittacosis in parrots

It is difficult to identify this disease with its signs. Psittacosis  produces nonspecific symptoms similar to flu-like processes, among which are symptoms of respiratory and ocular abnormalities.

In addition, as we said, the disease can remain at rest and  its ability to depress the immune system can cause the emergence of other diseases in caged birds.  So, the clinical picture will be more complex.

Still, symptoms  often include eye infections such as conjunctivitis, red eyes, and swelling, and increased secretions. Among the respiratory symptoms are increased nasal secretions and sneezing.

Weight loss, depression and diarrhea  are other symptoms of psittacosis in parrots. Regardless of our suspicions, these symptoms should alert us to the importance of getting our  pet to the vet quickly.

parrot psittacosis

Diagnosis and treatment

Our veterinarian will perform diagnostic laboratory tests to  detect the presence of chlamydia ( Chlamydia psitacci) ,  which causes this disease, in the animal’s feces or secretions. Or it is also possible to do this through  blood tests for antibodies.

As for the treatment, your veterinarian will be the one to define it. However,  as it is a bacteria, it will not be a complicated treatment and the treatment will be through antibiotics.

Given the contagiousness of this disease, it  is advisable that, if you have several parrots, that the others also undergo the examination or receive treatment, in addition to being necessary to separate them  to avoid contagion, if it has not already occurred.

parrot psittacosis

How to prevent the spread of psittacosis?

This disease can spread to other birds as well as people, so special care should be taken, although there is no need to be alarmed. Care must be taken with the hygiene of our birds’ enclosure, especially in overcrowded environments such as overcrowded and closed aviaries.

In people, psittacosis can have a flu-like appearance, but is especially worrisome in children, the elderly, and the  immunocompromised. That’s why we  should follow the veterinarian’s guidelines and even visit a health center if we notice symptoms of this disease in ourselves. Fortunately, it is easy to treat, both in birds and humans.

Also, it is important that,  if we are to acquire a parrot, that it comes with the proper sanitary guarantees  and that it makes its first visit to the veterinarian right away. If our bird is affected, it is highly recommended to take precautions in handling it:

  • Wear  gloves and a mask  when cleaning the cage.
  • Wash your hands  after handling the bird.
  • Follow  your veterinarian’s instructions.
  •  Extreme cleanliness .

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