Pastor Of Picardy: Food And Personality

The Picardy Shepherd originates from the Picardy region, in northeastern France, and is a medium-sized guard dog, used mainly as a sheepdog, responsible for the flocks of sheep. He’s smart, calm and stubborn.
Pastor of Picardy: food and personality

The shepherd of Picardy is a dog of French origin. This shepherd is a medium-sized dog that looks elegant but strong. With a calm personality, it is considered a good shepherd dog, which guides and protects the sheep.

General appearance

It is a medium-sized canid: it has a strong appearance and is well muscled. It is a very elegant dog  , both moving and stationary, brimming with energy. His main function was to be a shepherd and guard dog. Therefore, it is classified within the group of sheepdogs.

These dogs  are characterized by the fact that males are larger than females. Males are between 60 and 65 centimeters in size, while females are between 55 and 60 centimeters.

Its coat can have various shades,  ranging from black to gray, passing through to brown. It may also have a streaked brown and gray or reddish gray tone. Or maybe the dog can have a mix of all these shades.

Personality of the Pastor of Picardy

The Pastor of Picardy is a sensitive dog, with a gentle and calm personality. However, at the same time, he is characterized by being extremely stubborn. Furthermore, it does not tolerate physical corrections for its behavior.

Despite this,  this dog is extremely intelligent and very hardworking. He enjoys, and at the same time needs, exercise and other dynamic activities that allow him to stay entertained.

Pastor of Picardy

His calm personality also  allows him to easily socialize with smaller pets, making an excellent playmate. He likes to play, carry objects, other pets and even small children around.


The Picardy Shepherd is a dog full of energy that needs to be fed properly to face its daily activities. For this reason, your diet should be varied.

Different types of food can be chosen, whether they are moist (pâté) or dry (ration). As a reward, there are several types of treats, such as cookies. You can also choose between raw animal products or processed products.

Depending on the dog’s age and the special characteristics he has, the veterinarian will be able to advise the best type of feeding that should be followed. Above all, the most important thing is to provide the necessary energy supply so that he can have energy all day long.

Origin of the Pastor of Picardy

The Picardy Shepherd is native to the Picardy region of northeastern France. The breed began to be mentioned in the 19th century, around 1862. However,  it was not recognized as a breed until  1922 .

But its denomination as a new breed of sheepdog didn’t last long. During World War II, their home was devastated by a great conflict. In this area, both humans and animals were annihilated.

Pastor of Picardy

By the end of World War II, the Pastor of Picardy was almost extinct. However, he survived as a working dog on farms and rural areas. The efforts of the breeders and the foundation of the club ‘Les Amis du Berger Picard’ (‘Friends of the Pastor of Picardy’), in 1955, managed to ensure that today there are around 3,500 copies of Pastor of Picardy in France.

This dog is also found in other European and Scandinavian countries. There are about 500 in Germany and in small groups. Although his original role was that of a sheepdog and guard dog, he is now a companion dog.


The Shepherd of Picardy appeared in a 2005 movie.  The film, titled  Because of Winn-Dixie ( My Best Friend , in Brazil) is based on a famous book of the same name and is about a dog characterized as a Shepherd of Picardy.

To make the film, filmed in the United States, it was necessary to bring dogs of the Picardy Shepherd breed from France. Soon after, the club ‘Berger Picard Club of America’ was created with the aim of providing a home and protecting this breed.

Currently, all dogs of this breed in North America fulfill two roles. They can be companion dogs or display dogs. In addition, they can also be trained dogs or even shepherds.

The Pastor of Picardy is a good pet, who likes to live in rural areas, where he can spend all the energy that characterizes him. He is also a good guard dog and shepherd of sheep, elegant and intelligent.

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