Pet Abandonment Is An Evil That Seems Impossible To Eradicate

The abandonment of pets is an evil that seems impossible to eradicate

Animal abuse laws are tightening in many countries, such as Spain. But the numbers seem to indicate that this hardening is not serving much with regard to pet abandonment.

Horrifying Pet Abandonment Numbers

dog eating out of hand

In Spain it is speculated that at least 300,000 animals are abandoned each year. This pet abandonment figure is horrifying, especially given the new laws that outlaw pet abandonment and animal abuse.

As much as one tries to reduce this figure, not only in Spain, but also in other countries, it seems that it always rises.

There are many demonstrations, shelters that try to take care of them, protective associations that seek a home for them, NGOs that fight against abuseā€¦ And, what has been achieved? Individually, the good work of those who love animals has managed to give new life to some animals, but in the collective aspect, there is still a lot of abandonment, a lot.

The causes of abandoning animals are many, however, all of them can be diminished using only common sense.

Causes of Abandoning Pets

Abandonment of pets is a common evil that happens all over the world and is caused by the same circumstances, regardless of the country where it happens. We list these causes:

  • Ignorance of responsibility. Many of those who want to adopt a dog do so thinking that it is a beautiful living being full of fur to play with and pet. And they’re right, but it encompasses much more than that. When they realize that they must give veterinary attention, put up with their pup antics, their mess around the house and that they must take him for a walk at least twice a day, they don’t like their “stuffed animal” that much anymore.
  • Vacations. Many who own a dog do not understand the enormous responsibility this entails. They don’t understand that they can’t leave the animals alone if they have to go on a trip, and that they’ll have to pay to drop it off somewhere or take it together. As none of the options please them, they prefer to leave it in a kennel or shelter.
  • Beauty loss. We are all dazzled when we see beautiful puppies that look more like furry angels. But when puppies grow up, they can lose some of their beauty, just as a baby who has grown into a child does. While that’s not an excuse to reject her, is it? Even so, many do so, increasing even more this already huge figure of abandonment.
  • Illness. There is nothing more cruel than abandoning a sick being. Would this be different in the case of animals? It shouldn’t be, but many don’t care, and abandon their pets because they’re sick.

There are many things we can do to reduce abandonment. Even if this is determined as an evil impossible to eradicate, those who love animals do not lose hope that one day they will be able to put an end to this evil that harms so many animals.

How to avoid pet abandonment


To avoid abandonment, everyone must be made aware of the responsibility of having an animal. So if you decide to adopt one, keep in mind that:

  • Will have expenses with food, veterinary, health and some basic necessities such as shampoo, towel, bedding and others.
  • You will have to spend some time with him. If you work twelve hours a day, it would not be wise to adopt a pet, at least not a dog. Possibly a turtle.
  • You should take him for a walk. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot, whether or not you’re tired. Your dog will need to go out at least twice a day and will have to run and exercise to stay healthy and strong.
  • You must put up with your antics. When they are small, as happens with children, it is possible for them to destroy things and to go about their needs in any part of the house. If you want to have a puppy, this is a risk you must take. And whether at home or on the street, you will have to collect your pet’s feces, always!

    If everyone were aware of these points, simply using common sense, there would be less irresponsible pet adoptions and also less abandonment. We hope that one day this will be so.

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