Pet Benefits For Seniors

Benefits of Pets for Seniors

Maybe you’re thinking about what to give as a birthday present or a special date for your father/mother, or your grandfather/grandmother. We have an idea: a pet! Several scientific studies have proven the many benefits that pets can provide to people in old age. Let’s see what they are next.

Why have pets in old age

Senior man with his dog

The benefits of pets for older people are many. It has been shown that older people who have pets are happier, more optimistic, and have better health than those who do not have pets at home.

When the children leave, loneliness invades these people, who feel lost in life and not knowing what to do. The situation gets worse if one of the spouses dies, leaving the other person totally alone. Pets are an excellent companion with the ability to fill, in some way, this void that is left in older people.

Having someone who depends on you, someone who needs to be taken care of and for whom you should be well, is without a doubt the best remedy for loneliness.

As if that wasn’t enough, an experiment was carried out in a hospital in which elderly people were shown videos of their pets. Those with whom this was done recovered more quickly and favorably than those who, even though they had pets, did not see their videos.

Sad to say, it is a reality that seniors sometimes feel like a nuisance, and would like to do many things they can no longer do to feel useful. Despite our comforting words with which we show that we love them and that they don’t bother us at all, they still don’t take comfort. However, a pet will be dependent on them and will make them feel much more useful.

Which pet should we choose?

This is certainly the most logical question to ask after deciding to own a pet. We’ve already seen the benefits they can provide to seniors, but there are different animals and each one of them can provide different things.

It is also important to take into account the physical health status of the person who will receive the animal. For example, if she has difficulty walking, it won’t be very smart to give her a dog that needs to go out for a walk three times a day.

Let’s also look at the benefits of pets for seniors, or rather, the benefits each of them can offer.


Dogs can offer tranquility and serenity to the person. Of course, to achieve this, it is necessary to choose a breed of dogs that are calm and relaxed, and not one that changes our familiar and demands a lot of energy.

Dogs will be ideal companions for those people with a certain degree of depression who don’t want to go out for a walk even though their doctor has recommended that they do so. The obligation to take your new pet for walks three times a day will be good for your physical and emotional health, not to mention the unconditional love and loyalty that this animal can offer them.


cat in an old woman's lap

Cats are very affectionate and don’t require much attention. They will do their necessities in a sandbox, so they don’t need to go out for a walk. Also, they clean themselves. Cats are not noisy, so they will transmit a special peace and tranquility to the person. There is also a legend that with their body heat cats can soothe muscle pain, although this has not been scientifically proven.


Although they don’t show us affection as evidently as a dog or a cat, their daily singing can make anyone’s heart glad. In addition, they should be well fed every day, have daily water to drink and their cage should be cleaned frequently, this will make the person feel useful when they see someone who depends on them.

Whichever pet you choose, we are certain that it will make the life of this person you love so much. And after reading this article, is there anyone who still doubts the benefits that pets can bring to seniors?

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