Poodle, A Loving Companion

Poodle, a loving companion

It is rare to find someone who does not know this breed, the Poodle. Perhaps we associate it with weird hairstyles, elongated muzzle or with its beautiful soft wavy fur.

Anyway, when we see a Poodle dog, our reaction is always the same: think about how tender they are. What you might not know is that the Poodle dog is also known by another name: Poodle.

In fact, Poodle is the English name and Poodle the French name, most used in European countries. They originate from Germany and were the exclusive property of aristocrats and nobles who used them to collect hunting prey that fell into the water.

Perhaps this makes us understand why the Poodle is so elegant when walking and why its extravagant hairstyles.

Types of Poodle

There are different types of Poodle: large, medium, dwarf and toy. All have in common the soft fur, long ears and a very prominent muzzle.

Besides, regardless of the type you choose, in all of them you can find the same color varieties: white, brown, black, gray, “apricot” (caramel) and red.

Dwarfs and toys are the most sought after as, it seems, people have the idea that they are more tender and affectionate. But the truth is that in addition to their physical traits,  all Poodle varieties also have personality traits in common.

This common trait in any Poodle, whatever its type, is what makes them extremely affectionate. And isn’t that exactly what we want when we get a puppy? A Poodle will not disappoint you.

The Poodle: affectionate and empathetic


Poodle is characterized by being very sociable, so he will soon love you unconditionally, and also your family.

What you must know is that you must show this love, because your Poodle will need not only to feel that it is reciprocated, but also to see this reciprocation.

He will constantly ask for demonstrations of this love, because that is what he also offers you. With his behavior and body language, he will demonstrate to you every day how much he loves you, but he will also demand that you do the same.

Its cheerful personality makes the Poodle an ideal breed to live with children, moreover, the Poodle has a huge capacity to adapt to people.

This way, he will soon get used to the personality and tone of voice of each member of the family.

Why do we say the Poodle is an empathetic dog? Because he has another very curious ability: he is able to detect your mood ; in fact, Poodle is extremely sensitive to this. Then he will be able to tell if you are depressed, nervous, sad or disappointed.

But empathy is more than just acknowledging what someone is feeling. It is a compassionate feeling that drives someone to do something to remedy the situation that a person is going through.

Therefore, your Poodle will quickly come to you, as soon as it detects a mood that is not very pleasant, and will do its utmost to make you feel better. Doesn’t it seem incredible that a dog has this ability?

On the other hand, they are not scandalous dogs. Their barks are not very strong and from what we have seen so far, we realize that they are not guard dogs, but dogs that were born to love and to be loved.

Your Poodle will always respond to your calls. He will be obedient, loyal, always willing to caress (both to receive them and to give them), will be mad whenever he sees you, will lie at your feet when you are seated, and will remain by your bed when you are sleeping.

And who wouldn’t want a friend like that?

educate him

running poodle

Maybe you’ve known a Poodle that looks aggressive or naughty, but this is an exception. The Poodle breed is a breed of dogs that are very intelligent and very easy to educate.

If you put in a little effort to teach him what you want him to do and what he doesn’t, you’ll get incredible results and that won’t change in any way your great capacity to love and show your affection.

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