Reasons To Love A Dog

reasons to love a dog

With a plethora of movies, books and websites dedicated to exploring every aspect of dogs, it’s safe to say that many people love dogs. But if you’re still not convinced of this (or if you want to reaffirm what you already know) then we’ll leave you with some reasons to love a dog.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t cook well

Of the domestic animals, dogs are the least susceptible to food. They don’t care if you’re a 5-star culinary artist, or if you only know how to open a can of soup. They love you for who you are and will eat almost anything you give them, although this is not a reason to neglect your food, so repay their love with great care.

an exercise companion

Living in a world that allows you to spend hours sitting in front of the TV or computer means that it will sometimes be difficult to get motivated from work, go out on the street, and stay healthy and in shape. However, this will change a lot if you have a dog, of any size, big or small. Your dog will keep you active at all times, even if you don’t have to go out, he will motivate you to do so. 

dog walk

Dogs need to burn off the energy accumulated during the day, especially if they have spent many hours alone. Otherwise, they can develop undesirable behaviors.

Besides, what better motivation is there than looking at a furry face as you approach, strap in hand, and head for the door?  This means exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, and because you have fun with your pet, you don’t even feel the exercise.

help in difficult times

When you feel bad and think no one loves you, you had a bad day at school or work, or something isn’t going your way, you can always count on your dog to help you feel better.

Dogs are very sensitive to your emotions and can read your body language. Also, they love to help, put their head in your lap, and let you know that no matter what happened, they love you, and will always love you. Dogs are better than ice cream. This is a fact.

your best friend forever

Unlike the latest cell phone, the newest game or those passing friendships, you never get tired of a dog. From the infancy of a puppy to the royalty of an elderly dog, dogs are a constant source of surprises and rewards.

Of course, raising a puppy is very difficult, but easily compensated for by the lovely companion they are. Young dogs are full of energy and love to get into trouble, you should always be on the lookout for their next prank.

An older dog, in turn, is calm, loyal and caring, they are like an old friend who grew up, took care of you and accompanied you for years. Yes, dogs are definitely better than any video game.

the love, the love

There’s nothing better than arriving home and seeing your dog waiting for you at the door, always happy and excited when he sees you. Your love is pure and unconditional, what more could you ask for?

separation anxiety

No matter what, loving you will always be your dog’s priority.

Even if you’ve been so busy that you haven’t had time to give your dog the attention he deserves, he’s still madly waiting for you to come home.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve got something on your face, you’re sick, you’ve been fired, you’re tired, or you’ve made a bad choice of clothes. Only your dog wants you to be okay. He loves you unconditionally. And that, my friend, is the ultimate reason why we should love dogs and return their affection for us.

So here you have the top 5 reasons to love a dog. Of course, there are many more, but one lifetime would not suffice for us to list them all.

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