Superstitions About Cats

There are myths, legends and, of course, truths about cats. For example, everyone has heard about the bad or good luck that black kittens bring.
Superstitions about cats

Since they started interacting with humans, kittens have not gone unnoticed and provoked reactions of all kinds. So it’s  not surprising that different superstitions about cats have emerged throughout history, many of which still persist.

Prologue on superstitions about cats

Superstition can be defined as a belief contrary to reason. And the kitten seems to be the champion in the animal kingdom in raising these questions.

In some people, felines arouse  fascination and unconditional love. In others, they provoke suspicion and mistrust.

It may be difficult for many to understand that cats will never be as submissive to humans as dogs are.

The truth is that  many of the superstitions about cats arose in the Middle Ages,  in a supposedly civilized Europe.

Like women who were considered witches, many cats ended up burned at the stake.

This irrational hatred and fear for cats made them almost disappear and the European territory began to fill with rodents that distributed the ‘plague’ to all sides.

But if humans and cats survived this dark stage, so did superstitions. Next, we’ll tell you some of the myths that exist about this.

the black cat and luck

black cat and superstitions

But  there are other superstitions about black kittens that vary from place to place. For example:

  • Every black cat has white fur. The one who is able to take it off without the animal getting angry will have an amulet  that will bring him success in love and a lot of money.
  • Fishermen’s wives who have a black kitten in their homes ensure that their husbands return safely from the sea.
  • If an animal with these characteristics appears in the premiere of a play, luck will accompany the presentation. But if any cast member harms the kitten, the opposite will happen.
  • A black cat as a wedding gift, or one that meets the bride when she leaves the church, guarantees many years of love for the couple.
  • If you touch a cat of that color before playing a game of chance, luck will be on your side.

Superstitions beyond the kitten’s color

The list of nonsensical beliefs about cats was multiplied and generated different versions  transmitted over time and spread across various points on the map. Between them:

  • Cats smell death and perceive ghosts. If they climb into bed with a sick person, he will surely die. And if he approaches a deceased, disgrace will befall the family.
  • If you hear one of these animals sneeze, good luck will follow.
  • Crossing a stream carrying a cat brings bad luck.
  • Rocking one of these cats in a crib creates fertility for the couple.
  • Felis catus  buried in a field guarantees a successful harvest.
  • If the animal witnesses an argument at home, it will spread gossip about the family all over town.
  • If the kitten leaves a home, illnesses will arise. And if you kill him, you’ll be 17 years of bad luck.

cats and weather

kitten looking out the window

There are also several superstitions that relate the behavior of cats to different meteorological phenomena. Between them:

  • If the animal “washes itself” behind its ears, spends a lot of time on its back or looks out the window, it will definitely rain.
  • When he runs like a madman all over the house, scratching at curtains and pillows, a lot of wind is coming.
  • If he sleeps with his legs under his body, cold weather is approaching.
  • If he sits with his back to the fire, there will be a blizzard.

Some truths about Felis catus

It was also believed (or believed) that dreaming about cats is a harbinger of impending bad luck. The reality is, if you divest yourself of prejudices and accept kittens for who they are, you are likely to be lucky in many ways.

These animals have a lot of affection to give us and it is impossible to get bored with their pleasant company.

But as if this were not enough, it is proven, by several studies, that coexistence with a  Felis catus  is beneficial for people’s physical and mental health.

So now you know,  better than a good luck charm that may or may not bring you bad luck is sharing your life with a flesh-and-blood pussy, whatever its color.

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