Take Care Of Your Pet’s Dental Health

Take care of your pet's dental health

Animal dental care is necessary for our little friends to have a healthy and quality life. Thus, like people, animals should also regularly check the health of their teeth.

dental care

Saúde dental do gato

Keep the habit of regularly taking the animal to the veterinarian for a dental examination. Don’t wait for an annual check-up if you suspect a problem.

If the animal has a history of oral problems, it is recommended that cleaning and examinations be carried out frequently.

During the oral exam, your veterinarian will look for signs of plaque, tartar, bacteria, and gingivitis. The animal’s teeth, gums and supporting structures including the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone can also be affected by poor oral hygiene.

Periodontal disease starts with bacteria that form a thin layer called plaque on the surfaces of teeth and below the gum line. 

Over time, plaque builds up and forms tartar on the teeth that appears in yellow to brown stains. Carbohydrate residues create an excellent medium for bacteria to grow.

Plaque contains potentially harmful bacteria that, if left unchecked, can accumulate, causing some type of infection, which, when entering the bloodstream, can affect vital organs such as the heart and kidneys.

It is often thought that dry foods are sufficient to promote good dental health in the animal.

However,  dry food (ration) breaks down when the animal’s tooth penetrates the surface and does not provide a cleaning effect.

On the other hand, chewing hard materials can lead to dental fractures and bleeding gums, so care should be taken with the animal’s chewing habits.

To prevent tartar, your veterinarian may suggest measures that include regular brushing and proper nutrition.

Dental health maintenance

Manutenção da saúde dental

There are three ways to keep your dog’s teeth healthy: You can brush his teeth regularly at home, get a professional cleaning service, or feed him food that contains sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP).

If you are going to brush your dog’s teeth, the first thing to do is to have all the elements at hand. Then place the animal in a comfortable place.

Hold it gently, open your mouth and firmly grasp the jaw. Insert the toothpaste brush and brush your teeth. 

To make the brushing task easier, you can use a chicken or meat flavored toothpaste.

If this is the first time you brush your pet’s teeth, don’t be discouraged if it shows some resistance. Over time, the dog ends up getting used to brushing, so  it is recommended that this habit be practiced since puppy.

If you notice that your dog is restless and resistant to brushing, do not stress and look for another way of cleaning.

You can try baby wipes for oral hygiene, which are gentler for rubbing your teeth. This product, like toothpaste, prevents tartar buildup and bad breath. If you can buy it in pet stores, you can find it in different flavors.

In the case of animals  with a more aggressive temperament, it is best to seek help from the veterinarian. 

Dental cleaning in aggressive animals, if it does not present serious health problems, is recommended once a year.

The procedure, although simple, is performed with the anesthetized animal, as brushes are often used for cleaning, which, due to their vibration, speed and noise, tend to bother the animals.

However, this task does not take long and helps to prevent possible illnesses.

Finally, another point you must take into account  to preserve your pet’s oral health is to pay attention to the type of food. Hard foods can break teeth, while wet foods promote accumulation of food between the teeth.

So what is better? It is best to include in your pet’s diet foods that contain sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP). This type of food additive, commonly found in pet foods, lives in saliva for up to 12 hours, preventing plaque and tartar formation.


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